How to identify a good solar PV panel manufacturer

09 Dec.,2024


How to identify a good solar PV panel manufacturer

With lifespans of 25+ years, installing a solar PV system is something that most people will only ever do once. This makes it imperative to ensure that the components used in your installation are of high quality, dependable, and that the company has credibility, staying power and offers good warranties. Sourcing good product should go well beyond simply looking at spec sheets and comparing the rated efficiencies of different solar modules. What questions should you ask the maker of your solar panels?

Goto OUSHANG SOLAR to know more.

Questions to ask your solar panel maker

The following list of questions was compiled to assist those who are considering going solar to arm themselves with the knowledge to make a good decision. It is based on a list produced by  Suntech, the world&#;s largest manufacturer of solar PV modules, with input from Solar Choice&#;s team of experienced Solar Energy Brokers, who have a bird&#;s eye view of the solar market across Australia.


As the list was comprised by Suntech Solar, it goes without saying that Suntech&#;s answers to all the questions reflect favourably on the company. Solar Choice, while recognising that Suntech is a major and well-reputed player in the solar PV module industry, does not endorse Suntech as the &#;best&#; solar PV manufacturer in Australia or the world. Instead, we offer unbiased views and advice regarding what products are on offer in the Australian market. The following list of questions, therefore, should be taken with the understanding that they may have a slant. They are not the only questions worth asking your manufacturer, or your installer.

Q1: How long have they been manufacturing solar PV modules?

Most quality manufacturers will have a minimum of 5 years&#; experience producing solar panels. In the years since the beginning of Australia&#;s incentive-driven solar power boom, the market has been flooded with panels from companies with only short histories in the industry. Make sure you ask if they have withstood the test of time.

Q2: How many megawatts (MW) of solar PV panels did they sell last year?

If a company has a production volume of megawatts (MW) or more, it has likely cleared a number of financial and production hurdles to get to this point. Generally speaking, production volumes of this size are necessary in order to attain efficiencies of scale and and establish thorough production production process competencies and testing programs.

Q3: What is the company&#;s annual spending on research and development, and where was the technology developed?

Solar photovoltaic (PV) technology is constantly evolving, and only a company that is investing in research and development for new processes and materials will keep abreast of industry trends. Countries like Germany, the US, and Japan have reputations for excellence in technology development. A number of high-performance solar PV technologies have also come out of Australia, most notably from UNSW&#;s Photovoltaic Centre of Excellence.

Q4: What backsheet material is used in the modules?

Backsheets are the layer material behind the solar PV cells themselves in the module. Backsheets are ordinarily comprised of three layers that are bonded together. Backsheets are a vitalal component of the PV panel, and what enables quality modules to withstand 25 years outdoors. The world&#;s leading backsheet manufacturers include Tyco and IcoSolar.

Q5: What junction box and cable connectors are used?

Junction boxes and cable connectors are a common source of module failure. These are the bIack boxes that sit on the back of the solar panel and harness the electricity that is produced. It is important to select modules that use genuine junction boxes and cable connectors from globally recognised suppliers such as Huber&Suhner, Amphenol, Multi-Contact or Tyco.

Q6: What process control techniques are used in the manufacturing process?

SPC, six sigma, Quality Function Deployment, and Design of Experiments are techniques used to ensure that modules are produced at a consistently high quality.

Q7: Are the manufacturing facilities certified to ISO and ISO ?

ISO is the internationally recognised quality management accreditation, and ISO is accreditation for environmental quality control.

Q8: What extended accelerated testing is conducted to test the photovoltaic modules? How is the panel&#;s ability to withstand 25 years outdoor exposure ensured?

There are numerous gradual process and material changes that may have an effect on the lifespan of a PV module. A comprehensive and rigorous durability test program should go beyond the minimum standard IEC (International Standard: Crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules &#; Design qualification and type approval). One such example would be TUV&#;s long-term sequential test.

Q9: Do they have an office locally in Australia?

Many panel manufacturers supply modules from abroad without a local presence in Australia. This could indicate that these companies are using Australia as a dumping ground for solar panels (of which record numbers are currently being manufactured), with no long-term plans to remain operating in the country. This could indicate that any warranty on system components might be unserviceable should that company collapse or withdraw from Australia, not to mention the unavailability of customer support or troubleshooting.

Q10: Is the business an economically sustainable and responsible company?

With the solar boom of the past few years, many investors have diversified their investment portfolio to include solar system component manufacturers. Many of them have no experience in solar and run the business in an unsustainable way. What does the company do to demonstrate its commitment to performance, innovation, sustainability, and growth? Is it held solely in the sway of fickle investors, or does it have a long-term vision?

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60 Cell Vs 72 Cell Solar Panels: What's the Difference?

When shopping for solar panels, you'll encounter two standard sizes for residential and commercial projects: 60-cell and 72-cell solar panels. Both small commercial and residential solar power systems will use one of these two types.

The apparent difference between 60-cell and 72-cell solar panels is the number of cells. 72-cell solar panels have higher wattage than 60-cell solar panels, but this doesn&#;t necessarily mean better performance.

If you&#;re deciding whether to use 60-cell panels or 72-cell panels for your solar system, there are a few things to consider. Let&#;s walk through it.

4 Key Differences Between 60 vs. 72-Cell Solar Panels

1. Size and Dimensions

The most notable difference between 60-cell panels and 72-cell panels is size and weight.

A typical 60-cell panel is 3.5 feet wide and 5.5 feet tall. 72-cell panels are the same width but are much longer &#; 6.5 to 7 feet &#; depending on the brand.

The larger 72-cell solar modules are also heavier, weighing almost 50 pounds compared to the 60-cell modules, which are about 40 pounds.

2. Power Output

Solar cells in a panel are typically wired in series. This means that the volts of each solar cell add up to create the total voltage output. Thus, the voltage of a 72-cell panel is higher and will output more watts than a 60-cell solar panel.

Contact us to discuss your requirements of 72 Cells Solar Panel Manufacturing. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.

3. Efficiency

Efficiency is measured by a solar panel&#;s ability to convert sunlight into electricity. Newsflash: neither 60-cell nor 72-cell solar panels have an advantage in this department!

If you are shopping around for high-efficiency solar panels, know that they are available in both 60-cell and 72-cell variations. To learn more about the most efficient solar panels today, check out our list here.

4. Cost

There aren&#;t any significant variations or set rules regarding the cost of 60-cell vs. 72-cell solar panels.

When evaluating solar panels, look at the cost per watt to ensure you&#;re comparing apples-to-apples with different size panels.

When to Choose 60-Cell vs. 72-Cell Solar Panels

There are no significant pros or cons with 60-cell vs. 72-cell solar panels. But depending on your circumstances, you may want to opt for one size over the other.

Let&#;s talk about when to choose a 60-cell vs. 72-cell solar panel for your solar power system.

Physical Installation Considerations

If you have limited space for your solar panels, the size of your available area may dictate whether 60-cell or 72-cell panels are best for your installation.

For example, if you are installing solar panels on a roof and have a space that is 12 feet tall, you could install two rows of 60-cell panels but only one row of 72-cell panels. That means installing 60-cell panels will give you a higher wattage system.

If the available area is only 8 feet tall, you would only be able to fit one row of either 60-cell or 72-cell panels. In this case, you could opt for the 72-cell panels to get more output from the entire system.

If you&#;re installing ground-mount solar, you probably have fewer size limitations. So, most people choose 72-cell panels for ground-mount installations because you can have a higher wattage system with fewer solar panels.

Lastly, another physical consideration is the size and weight of the panels. If you are doing a DIY solar installation and won&#;t have professional help, you may want to choose 60-cell panels as they weigh less and are therefore easier to handle.

Electrical System Design Considerations

The higher voltage of 72-cell solar modules will make a difference in system design.

If you are using microinverters or DC optimizers, you will have to choose a microinverter or optimizer that can handle the higher voltage of the modules.

If you have a system with a string inverter, you will be able to wire more 60-cell panels in each string due to their lower voltage.

Commercial vs. Residential Project

72-cell panels are ideal for commercial and utility-scale systems, but you can also use 72-cell panels for your residential project. There is no set rule when it comes to solar module size and project type.

Can You Mix and Match 60-Cell and 72-Cell Solar Panels?

Generally, you shouldn&#;t use both 60-cell and 72-cell panels for one installation. While it&#;s possible to mix and match, this can make your installation complicated with supporting equipment.

If you choose this route, ensure that you&#;re only using compatible equipment connected to the same circuit. You also have to verify that the 60-cell and 72-cell solar panels are in separate strings, connected to separate maximum power point trackers for proper performance and efficiency.

A Note on 120-Cell and 144-Cell Solar Panels

While we are discussing cell counts, we should also mention 120-cell and 144-cell solar panels, which are newer additions to the solar industry. These solar panels are made with half-cut solar cells wired into two separate string series.

A 120-cell solar panel is equivalent to a 60-cell panel in terms of physical size and power output, while a 144-cell panel has similar specifications to a 72-cell panel.

Learn more: What is a Half-Cut Solar Panel?

Our Conclusion on 60-Cell vs. 72-Cell Solar Panels

Because 60-cell and 72-cell panels offer the same efficiency, the best choice for you depends on what you need to accomplish for your project. 60-cell panels can be easier to carry and allow for flexible layouts in a limited space. 72-cell panels might make your installation cheaper and faster, and are more useful for ground-mount arrays or large-scale commercial projects.

If you need help picking the right panels for your project, or have any other questions about system design, reach out to us for a free PV design consultation. We'll help you customize a solar kit tailored to meet your needs.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit 72 Cells Solar Panel Custom.