Solar roof tiles: Inconspicuous PV technology

06 Aug.,2024


Solar roof tiles: Inconspicuous PV technology

Solar roof tiles: Inconspicuous PV technology

Installing solar energy in your home or business is no longer a question of &#;if&#; but &#;what to install.&#; As the Cambrian explosion of distributed solar technologies continues, solar roof tiles that seamlessly blend into the built environment are slowly but steadily going mainstream.

Link to Jiasheng

&#;No longer does installing solar have to look like you&#;ve been patching your roof.&#; &#; Anonymous

In this article, we introduce you to solar roof tiles (or &#;shingles&#; in America), explaining why they are crucial to the energy transition and, from a practical perspective, what is available in the UK.

Let&#;s dive in!


Preface: The journey to solar roof tiles?

Before delving into the technology itself, it&#;s relevant to note why solar roof tiles are being designed and considered in the first place.

They are not more efficient or cheaper than regular commercial solar panels, so why would the mainstream choose them besides the novelty? Well, we believe it&#;s all about the seamless integration of renewable technology without altering the familiarity of our landscape.

We live in a world of exponential change, and most people reading this are likely struggling to keep up. Demographics have shifted, and most people in the UK and Europe are at least middle-aged, an age where stability and familiarity are highly valued.

Most global capital holders (those who decide to invest in solar or pay a premium for business energy renewables) are within this demographic, most of whom understand that change is necessary but are also growing tired of things looking and feeling different.

Most agree with the concept of clean energy, but still, a significant number of people in Britain would rather maintain the status quo than allow for the development of, for example, onshore wind turbines that &#;litter&#; the landscape.

In this sense, seamlessly (or perhaps discreetly) integrating renewables into the existing built environment is paramount to overcoming the human biases of the growing number of middle-aged and older populations &#; companies like Tesla are well aware they need to target to go mainstream.

Young people may have the ideas and enthusiasm, but the older generation has the financial resources. Solar roof tiles represent the reconciliation of these two contrasting realities.

What are solar roof tiles?

Solar or Photovoltaic (PV) roof tiles are solar panels designed to serve as conventional roofing materials like asphalt, clay, or slate tiles. They protect indoor spaces from the elements while generating electricity.

This combined functionality places them within emerging technologies known as building-integrated photovoltaics, a topic we hope to cover in a future blog post. This technology fills the market segment described in the preface.

Several companies, including Tesla, Gb-Sol and GAF, offer various solar roof tile solutions, but only a few are available in the UK.

The nascent nature of the solar roof tiles industry means that not only is the technology still in the process of proving itself, but designs also vary widely and involve multiple trade-offs, including efficiency, power output, durability, and ease of installation, all of which negatively impact the final installation costs.

When were solar roof tiles invented?

Solar roof tiles have existed for almost 20 years (as &#;shingles&#;), becoming commercially available in the US through Powerhouse Solar System in Colorado.

The fact that solar panels are black-coloured and robustly constructed makes them easily adaptable for this utility. However, the technology has become more widely available over the last few years.

Tesla entered the solar shingle industry in but unexpectedly faced multiple setbacks, allowing its competitors to catch up rapidly (and some argue, perhaps, to permanently overtake it).

For instance, GAF Materials, one of the largest suppliers of roofing materials in the U.S., has recently unveiled a product that can be rapidly installed using a nail gun, not to mention products elsewhere like SlatePV that mimic the typical slate roofs found in places like Wales.

How do solar roof tiles work?

These solar roof tiles work in the same way as solar panels. They harness the photovoltaic effect to generate electricity by absorbing solar radiation during the daytime.

However, instead of being installed as separate components, solar roof tiles become the roof, serving as a building&#;s upper barrier against the elements.

Solar roof tiles must pass stringent durability tests to withstand heavy impacts such as hail or falling branches. They must also exhibit weather resistance to prevent water ingress during all possible weather conditions.

Each roof tile or panel typically has a connection cable beneath it, which may require space between the roof and any underlying breathable or insulation membranes covering the ceiling to accommodate these electronics.

While some roof tiles are assembled like Lego pieces on plastic structures, others are custom-made in a factory and assembled on-site&#; there is certainly a lot of diversity.

&#; Fun fact: Solar panels can generate negligible amounts of electricity from moonlight, which is reflected sunlight that is 400,000 times weaker!

What are the pros and cons of solar roof tiles?

Like everything else, there are trade-offs regarding solar roof tiles.

Here are the pros and cons of solar roof tiles when compared to regular solar photovoltaic panels:


&#; Aesthetics: Beauty is subjective, but a widely held opinion is that seamlessly blending structures is visually more harmonious. This can also be useful in adhering to local solar panel permitting and regulations.

&#; Cost-effective refurbishments: If a roof needs replacement, installing solar roof tiles may present a cost-effective opportunity to make two improvements in a single job.

&#; No space limitations: Since roof tiles are smaller units, they can be fitted onto all roofing surfaces.

&#; Durability: Solar roof tiles are designed with extreme durability in mind, as is reflected by the typical 25-year warranties offered by many manufacturers and installers.

&#; No need to dismount: If anything happens under traditionally mounted solar panels, the panels and the roof must be removed to gain access. With integrated solar tiles, this is not necessary.

&#; No debris and wildlife buildup: The sealed air gaps beneath solar roof tiles prevent debris accumulation or the formation of habitats for birds and small mammals.

&#; Lightness: Solar PV tiles are generally lighter in weight than regular slate or clay tiles, reducing the structural loads on buildings and enhancing overall safety.

&#; Fire-proof: After the Grenfell fire in London, perceptions regarding the fireproof qualities of cladding and roofing materials have changed. Solar roof tiles are fireproof, making them a suitable choice.


&#; Cost: Being a nascent, less efficient technology, solar roof tiles are more expensive on a cost-per-watt basis than regular solar panels. See our full article on costs for commercial solar panels.

&#; Efficiency: Solar roof tiles are less efficient than conventional solar panels because they must compromise performance for aesthetics, sizing, durability, and usability.

&#; Installation costs: Roof tile installations are often the costliest part of the process due to labour and time requirements for this more complex job.

&#; Hard to retrofit: Fully retrofitting solar roof tiles is costly and complex, making this more suitable for new buildings or refurbishments.

&#; Unproven tech: There is still uncertainty about real-life performance as the technology has not had time to prove its credentials. Being nascent also means there are few options available in the market.

What solar roof tiles are available in the UK?

As of the time of writing (28th September ), there are six solar roof tile companies in the UK. Some are only manufacturers; others make them and install them. Here&#;s the list:

See our comparison table for the main differences between them.

&#; Note that some of the most innovative solar roof tiles, such as Tesla&#;s Solar Roof or GAF Energy&#;s Timberline solar shingle, are only available in the U.S.

GB-Sol PVSlate and Infinity Roofs

GB-Sol manufactures its photovoltaic panels in their factory near Cardiff and installs their systems all over the UK. They offer three roof tile solar products:

  • PVSlate: A photovoltaic (PV) blue-grey slate tile that mimics the classic roofing material for many homes in the UK. It&#;s an MSC-certified roof tile, allowing the property to export any surplus power to the national grid and participate in electricity arbitrage strategies. See the product brochure here.
  • Infinity Solar Roofs: Large PV glass tiles designed to cover the entire roof area from edge to edge. These large solar tiles are mounted on structural welded aluminium frames, providing the system with stability and a 25-year warranty.  See details here.
  • Integrated Solar Roofs: A combination of solar panels and roofing &#; this simple setup places high-efficiency solar panels in a tileless section of the roofing system, replacing regular tiles. This cost-effective option blends in and performs well, avoids debris build-up common in regular panel installations, but lacks the complete seamlessness of a fully tiled solution.

GB-Sol has a long track record in manufacturing and installations and is the only fully end-to-end solution provider of British solar roof tiles.

  • See how it compares to the other solar roof tiles here.
  • Visit their company website here.


Nulok is an Australian-headquartered &#;modular&#; roofing company that installs tiles using their unique &#;Nulok&#; interlocking grid system, allowing rapid installation and easy solar panel maintenance

They operate globally and now incorporate &#;Solartrix&#; solar tiles (a Chinese make) into their modular installation system. This means the tiles can be easily installed and replaced if necessary.

Anyone with a Nulok system can quickly replace their existing roof tiles with solar tiles for a lower cost.

  • See how it compares to the other solar roof tiles here.
  • Visit their company website here.

Marley SolarTile (Roof-Integrated PV)

The Marley SolarTile blends traditional solar panels and solar roof tiles, akin to GB-Sol&#;s integrated solar roof. This solution maintains a traditional panel&#;s size, appearance, and performance but is directly mounted onto a tileless roof section.

The SolarTile is weather-resistant and relatively inconspicuous as it integrates directly into the roof structure. However, its size, colour, and texture distinguish it from the adjacent roofing material.

Marley offers two-panel options: 405W or 335W monocrystalline silicon panels.

  • See how it compares to the other solar roof tiles here.
  • Visit their company website here.

GSE (Roof-Integrated PV)

This French manufacturer has received certifications from various European bodies and holds MCS Certification, allowing for the export of electricity back to a local electricity distribution network operator.

GSE&#;s solution is also an integrated in-roof PV, similar to the Marley SolarTile. This means that it still resembles a solar panel but is integrated within the roof, performing the same protective function as roof tiles&#; essentially, acting like large roof tiles.

GB-Sol installs these GSE panels as part of their integrated roof systems.

  • See how it compares to the other solar roof tiles here.
  • Visit their company website here.

IRFTS Easy Roof Evo (Roof-Integrated PV)

A cost-effective solar roofing system (similar to GSE and Marley, this is an integrated roof PV system, not a traditional tile-sized solution). It is based on a standardised yet straightforward plastic trays and frame clamps system.

It is one of the most budget-friendly in-roof solutions, and, like GSE, it is manufactured in France.

  • See how it compares to the other solar roof tiles here.
  • Visit their company website here.

UK Solar roof tile comparison

We have researched various online resources to compile some of the most crucial information in one place for your convenience.

The following table details warranties, estimated pricing, and certifications for the solar roof tiles available in the UK market.

Solar Roof TileWarrantyPower Warranty (% Capacity)Approx Pricing (£/kW)MCS-Certified?
GB-Sol PV Slate25 years90% @ 10 years
80% @ 25 years£2,100 / kWYesGB-Sol Infinite Roof25 yearsN/AN/AYesGB-Sol Integrated Solar Roof25 yearsN/A£1,800 / kWYesNulok (Solartrix Tiles)10 years90% @ 12 years
80% @ 25 Years N/AYesMarley SolarTile15 years80% @ 10 years
90% @ 25 yearsN/AYesGSE In-Roof system15 yearsN/A£1,400 / kWYesIRFTS Easy Roof Evo10 yearsN/A£1,400 / kWYes

The future of solar roof tiles in the UK

Currently, there is a global boom in solar technologies. Solar power stands out as the fastest-growing source of electricity worldwide, indicating that solar panels have found a solid product-market fit.

However, predicting which solar technologies will dominate the distributed solar power generation market remains challenging.

Will traditional solar panels be mounted on roofs due to their lower cost? Or will we witness a surge in photovoltaic technologies integrated into various parts of the built environment?

Roof tiles and in-roof systems possess the advantage of being more aesthetically pleasing.

Yet, will the costs decrease fast enough for the difference to become negligible? Will consumers truly recognise the added value of this seamless integration into their buildings?

How will Perovskite technology impact PV integrations in the future as we begin cheaply harnessing even reflected sunlight across a broader spectrum? Will this tip the scale in favour of distributed grids so much as to spell the beginning of a power utilities death spiral?

These questions highlight the evolving and dynamic landscape of the energy sector as we navigate towards a more sustainable and decentralized energy future.

Extended Reading:

Bonus: The rise of the Tesla Semi


Are solar shingles the same as solar roof tiles?

Yes! The word &#;shingle&#; is commonly used in the U.S. to describe what is known in Britain as &#;roof tiles&#;, but they are essentially the same thing.

Is the Tesla Solar Roof available in the UK?

No, the Tesla Solar Roof is not yet available in the UK at the time of writing (September 28th ). Their solution has experienced significant setbacks and delays since its launch in , but it is still very likely to cross the pond over the next couple of months or years.

Are solar roof tiles more expensive than solar panels?

Yes, estimates indicate that initial installation costs are about double that of traditional rooftop solar panels. In a return on investment calculation, the replacement cost of business electricity rates from the mains supply is more expensive for solar roof tiles.

However, if your roof is due for refurbishment, it may become more economical to install solar roof tiles directly than replacing the roof and installing solar panels on top.

How long do solar roof tiles last?

Solar roof tiles are a new technology and do not have a proven track record of reaching their entire lifespan yet. However, based on the typical warranties installers offer, these systems are expected to remain functional for at least 20 to 25 years.

This longevity makes solar roof tiles a substantial long-term investment.

Are solar roof tiles a good investment?

Yes. We believe that any investment into renewable energy generation is a future-proof investment to protect businesses from fluctuating energy prices and any carbon premiums that may come from purchasing electricity from a business energy supplier.

Moreover, solar power generation systems gradually pay for themselves through reduced bills or buy-back programs like the Smart Export Guarantee with your electricity supplier.

However, it is crucial to select the correct manufacturer and installation company. Not only do they provide a long-term warranty that safeguards your investment, but the overall quality of their service plays a vital role in ensuring this is a sound investment.

Also, conducting proper due diligence and comparing the market for the best technology to meet your needs is essential. Despite its drawbacks, the lower cost of traditional solar panels mounted on roofs may suffice for many individuals.

Is there a minimum or maximum roof angle for roof tiles?

Yes, there is a minimum and maximum roof angle for roof tiles.

A minimum pitch is necessary to ensure the required drainage and prevent condensation from forming behind the panels, especially during winter. A minimum inclination typically starts at 10 degrees, with many designs requiring at least 20 degrees.

Conversely, there is a maximum pitch to consider, as excessively steep angles can negatively impact the panel&#;s performance. Maximum inclinations typically do not exceed 45 degrees, as beyond this point, the panel&#;s power rating significantly decreases.

Solar panel

Assembly of photovoltaic cells used to generate electricity

Solar array mounted on a rooftop

A solar panel is a device that converts sunlight into electricity by using photovoltaic (PV) cells. PV cells are made of materials that produce excited electrons when exposed to light. The electrons flow through a circuit and produce direct current (DC) electricity, which can be used to power various devices or be stored in batteries. Solar panels are also known as solar cell panels, solar electric panels, or PV modules.

Solar panels are usually arranged in groups called arrays or systems. A photovoltaic system consists of one or more solar panels, an inverter that converts DC electricity to alternating current (AC) electricity, and sometimes other components such as controllers, meters, and trackers. Most panels are in solar farms, which supply the electricity grid as can some rooftop solar.

Some advantages of solar panels are that they use a renewable and clean source of energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and lower electricity bills. Some disadvantages are that they depend on the availability and intensity of sunlight, require cleaning, and have high initial costs. Solar panels are widely used for residential, commercial, and industrial purposes, as well as in space, often together with batteries.





In , the ability of some materials to create an electrical charge from light exposure was first observed by the French physicist Edmond Becquerel.[1] Though these initial solar panels were too inefficient for even simple electric devices, they were used as an instrument to measure light.[2]

The observation by Becquerel was not replicated again until , when the English electrical engineer Willoughby Smith discovered that the charge could be caused by light hitting selenium. After this discovery, William Grylls Adams and Richard Evans Day published "The action of light on selenium" in , describing the experiment they used to replicate Smith's results.[1][3]

In , the American inventor Charles Fritts created the first commercial solar panel, which was reported by Fritts as "continuous, constant and of considerable force not only by exposure to sunlight but also to dim, diffused daylight".[4] However, these solar panels were very inefficient, especially compared to coal-fired power plants.

In , Russell Ohl created the solar cell design that is used in many modern solar panels. He patented his design in .[5] In , this design was first used by Bell Labs to create the first commercially viable silicon solar cell.[1]

Solar panel installers saw significant growth between and .[6] Due to that growth many installers had projects that were not "ideal" solar roof tops to work with and had to find solutions to shaded roofs and orientation difficulties.[7] This challenge was initially addressed by the re-popularization of micro-inverters and later the invention of power optimizers.

Solar panel manufacturers partnered with micro-inverter companies to create AC modules and power optimizer companies partnered with module manufacturers to create smart modules.[8] In many solar panel manufacturers announced and began shipping their smart module solutions.[9]

Theory and construction




Photovoltaic modules consist of a large number of solar cells and use light energy (photons) from the Sun to generate electricity through the photovoltaic effect. Most modules use wafer-based crystalline silicon cells or thin-film cells. The structural (load carrying) member of a module can be either the top layer or the back layer. Cells must be protected from mechanical damage and moisture. Most modules are rigid, but semi-flexible ones based on thin-film cells are also available. The cells are usually connected electrically in series, one to another to the desired voltage, and then in parallel to increase current. The power (in watts) of the module is the voltage (in volts) multiplied by the current (in amperes), and depends both on the amount of light and on the electrical load connected to the module. The manufacturing specifications on solar panels are obtained under standard conditions, which are usually not the true operating conditions the solar panels are exposed to on the installation site.[10]

A PV junction box is attached to the back of the solar panel and functions as its output interface. External connections for most photovoltaic modules use MC4 connectors to facilitate easy weatherproof connections to the rest of the system. A USB power interface can also be used.[11] Solar panels also use metal frames consisting of racking components, brackets, reflector shapes, and troughs to better support the panel structure.[citation needed]

Cell connection techniques




Solar modular cells need to be connected together to form the module, with front electrodes blocking the solar cell front optical surface area slightly. To maximize frontal surface area available for sunlight and improve solar cell efficiency, manufacturers use varying rear electrode solar cell connection techniques:

  • Passivated emitter rear contact (PERC) adds a polymer film to capture light
  • Tunnel oxide passivated contact (TOPCon) adds an oxidation layer to the PERC film to capture more light[12]
  • Interdigitated back contact (IBC)[13]

Arrays of PV modules




A single solar module can produce only a limited amount of power; most installations contain multiple modules adding their voltages or currents. A photovoltaic system typically includes an array of photovoltaic modules, an inverter, a battery pack for energy storage, a charge controller, interconnection wiring, circuit breakers, fuses, disconnect switches, voltage meters, and optionally a solar tracking mechanism. Equipment is carefully selected to optimize energy output and storage, reduce power transmission losses, and convert from direct current to alternating current.

Smart solar modules




Smart module

Smart modules are different from traditional solar panels because the power electronics embedded in the module offers enhanced functionality such as panel-level maximum power point tracking, monitoring, and enhanced safety.[citation needed] Power electronics attached to the frame of a solar module, or connected to the photovoltaic circuit through a connector, are not properly considered smart modules.[14]

Several companies have begun incorporating into each PV module various embedded power electronics such as:

  • Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) power optimizers, a DC-to-DC converter technology developed to maximize the power harvest from solar photovoltaic systems by compensating for shading effects, wherein a shadow falling on a section of a module causes the electrical output of one or more strings of cells in the module to fall to near zero, but not having the output of the entire module fall to zero.[15]
  • Solar performance monitors for data and fault detection





Market-share of PV technologies since

Most solar modules are currently produced from crystalline silicon (c-Si) solar cells made of polycrystalline or monocrystalline silicon. In , crystalline silicon accounted for 95% of worldwide PV production,[16] while the rest of the overall market is made up of thin-film technologies using cadmium telluride (CdTe), copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) and amorphous silicon (a-Si).[17]

Emerging, third-generation solar technologies use advanced thin-film cells. They produce a relatively high-efficiency conversion for a lower cost compared with other solar technologies. Also, high-cost, high-efficiency, and close-packed rectangular multi-junction (MJ) cells are usually used in solar panels on spacecraft, as they offer the highest ratio of generated power per kilogram lifted into space. MJ-cells are compound semiconductors and made of gallium arsenide (GaAs) and other semiconductor materials. Another emerging PV technology using MJ-cells is concentrator photovoltaics (CPV).

Thin film




Mounting and tracking




Solar modules mounted on solar trackers Workers install residential rooftop solar panels





Large utility-scale solar power plants frequently use ground-mounted photovoltaic systems. Their solar modules are held in place by racks or frames that are attached to ground-based mounting supports.[21][22] Ground based mounting supports include:

  • Pole mounts, which are driven directly into the ground or embedded in concrete.
  • Foundation mounts, such as concrete slabs or poured footings
  • Ballasted footing mounts, such as concrete or steel bases that use weight to secure the solar module system in position and do not require ground penetration. This type of mounting system is well suited for sites where excavation is not possible such as capped landfills and simplifies decommissioning or relocation of solar module systems.

Solar array ground mounting

Vertical bifacial solar array




Agrivoltaic vertical bifacial solar panels Vertical Bifacial vs south facing solar array power output



Vertical Bifacial


 South facing solar array

Vertical bifacial solar cells oriented towards east and west to catch the sun's irradiance more efficiently in the morning and evening. Applications include agrivoltaics, solar fencing, highway and railroad noise dampeners and barricades.[23]

Vertical bifacial solar along highway





Roof-mounted solar power systems consist of solar modules held in place by racks or frames attached to roof-based mounting supports.[24] Roof-based mounting supports include:

  • Rail mounts, which are attached directly to the roof structure and may use additional rails for attaching the module racking or frames.
  • Ballasted footing mounts, such as concrete or steel bases that use weight to secure the panel system in position and do not require through penetration. This mounting method allows for decommissioning or relocation of solar panel systems with no adverse effect on the roof structure.
  • All wiring connecting adjacent solar modules to the energy harvesting equipment must be installed according to local electrical codes and should be run in a conduit appropriate for the climate conditions

Solar Canopy




Solar canopies are solar arrays which are installed on top of a traditional canopy. These canopies could be a parking lot canopy, carport, gazebo, Pergola, or patio cover.





Portable solar panels can ensure electric current, enough to charge devices (mobile, radio, ...) via USB-port or to charge a powerbank f.e.

Want more information on solar shingles california? Feel free to contact us.

Special features of the panels include high flexibility, high durability & waterproof characteristics. They are good for travel or camping.

A 5V, 2A, 10W solar panel with USB port





Solar trackers increase the energy produced per module at the cost of mechanical complexity and increased need for maintenance. They sense the direction of the Sun and tilt or rotate the modules as needed for maximum exposure to the light.[25][26]

Alternatively, fixed racks can hold modules stationary throughout the day at a given tilt (zenith angle) and facing a given direction (azimuth angle). Tilt angles equivalent to an installation's latitude are common. Some systems may also adjust the tilt angle based on the time of year.[27]

On the other hand, east- and west-facing arrays (covering an east&#;west facing roof, for example) are commonly deployed. Even though such installations will not produce the maximum possible average power from the individual solar panels, the cost of the panels is now usually cheaper than the tracking mechanism and they can provided more economically valuable power during morning and evening peak demands than north or south facing systems.[28]





Some special solar PV modules include concentrators in which light is focused by lenses or mirrors onto smaller cells. This enables the cost-effective use of highly efficient, but expensive cells (such as gallium arsenide) with the trade-off of using a higher solar exposure area.[citation needed] Concentrating the sunlight can also raise the efficiency to around 45%.[29]

Light capture




The amount of light absorbed by a solar cell depends on the angle of incidence of whatever direct sunlight hits it. This is partly because the amount falling on the panel is proportional to the cosine of the angle of incidence, and partly because at high angle of incidence more light is reflected. To maximize total energy output, modules are often oriented to face south (in the Northern Hemisphere) or north (in the Southern Hemisphere) and tilted to allow for the latitude. Solar tracking can be used to keep the angle of incidence small.

Solar panels are often coated with an anti-reflective coating, which is one or more thin layers of substances with refractive indices intermediate between that of silicon and that of air. This causes destructive interference in the reflected light, diminishing the amount. Photovoltaic manufacturers have been working to decrease reflectance with improved anti-reflective coatings or with textured glass.[30][31]

Power curve




A typical voltage/current curve for individual unshadowed solar panels. Maximum power point tracking ensures that as much power as possible is collected.

In general with individual solar panels, if not enough current is taken, then power isn't maximised. If too much current is taken then the voltage collapses. The optimum current draw is roughly proportional to the amount of sunlight striking the panel. Solar panel capacity is specified by the MPP (maximum power point) value of solar panels in full sunlight.





Solar inverters convert the DC power provided by panels to AC power.

Power/Voltage-curve of a partially shaded PV module, with marked local and global MPP

MPP (Maximum power point) of the solar panel consists of MPP voltage (Vmpp) and MPP current (Impp). Performing maximum power point tracking (MPPT), a solar inverter samples the output (I-V curve) from the solar cell and applies the proper electrical load to obtain maximum power.

An AC (alternating current) solar panel has a small DC to AC microinverter on the back and produces AC power with no external DC connector. AC modules are defined by Underwriters Laboratories as the smallest and most complete system for harvesting solar energy.[32][need quotation to verify]

Micro-inverters work independently to enable each panel to contribute its maximum possible output for a given amount of sunlight, but can be more expensive.[33]

Module interconnection




A connection example, a blocking diode is placed in series with each module string, whereas bypass diodes are placed in parallel with modules.

Module electrical connections are made with conducting wires that take the current off the modules and are sized according to the current rating and fault conditions, and sometimes include in-line fuses.

Panels are typically connected in series of one or more panels to form strings to achieve a desired output voltage, and strings can be connected in parallel to provide the desired current capability (amperes) of the PV system.

In string connections the voltages of the modules add, but the current is determined by the lowest performing panel. This is known as the "Christmas light effect". In parallel connections the voltages will be the same, but the currents add. Arrays are connected up to meet the voltage requirements of the inverters and to not greatly exceed the current limits.

Blocking and bypass diodes may be incorporated within the module or used externally to deal with partial array shading, in order to maximize output. For series connections, bypass diodes are placed in parallel with modules to allow current to bypass shaded modules which would otherwise severely limit the current. For paralleled connections, a blocking diode may be placed in series with each module's string to prevent current flowing backwards through shaded strings thus short-circuiting other strings.





Outdoor solar panels usually include MC4 connectors. Automotive solar panels may also include an auxiliary power outlet and/or USB adapter. Indoor panels (including solar pv glasses, thin films and windows) can integrate a microinverter (AC Solar panels).





Reported timeline of champion solar module energy conversion efficiencies since (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)[34]

Each module is rated by its DC output power under standard test conditions (STC) and hence the on field output power might vary. Power typically ranges from 100 to 365 Watts (W). The efficiency of a module determines the area of a module given the same rated output &#; an 8% efficient 230 W module will have twice the area of a 16% efficient 230 W module. Some commercially available solar modules exceed 24% efficiency.[35][36] Currently,[needs update] the best achieved sunlight conversion rate (solar module efficiency) is around 21.5% in new commercial products[37] typically lower than the efficiencies of their cells in isolation. The most efficient mass-produced solar modules have power density values of up to 175 W/m2 (16.22 W/ft2).[38]

The current versus voltage curve of a module provides useful information about its electrical performance.[39] Manufacturing processes often cause differences in the electrical parameters of different modules photovoltaic, even in cells of the same type. Therefore, only the experimental measurement of the I&#;V curve allows us to accurately establish the electrical parameters of a photovoltaic device. This measurement provides highly relevant information for the design, installation and maintenance of photovoltaic systems. Generally, the electrical parameters of photovoltaic modules are measured by indoor tests. However, outdoor testing has important advantages such as no expensive artificial light source required, no sample size limitation, and more homogeneous sample illumination.

Capacity factor of solar panels is limited primarily by geographic latitude and varies significantly depending on cloud cover, dust, day length and other factors. In the United Kingdom, seasonal capacity factor ranges from 2% (December) to 20% (July), with average annual capacity factor of 10&#;11%, while in Spain the value reaches 18%.[40] Globally, capacity factor for utility-scale PV farms was 16.1% in .[41][unreliable source?]

Overheating is the most important factor for the efficiency of the solar panel.[42]

Radiation-dependent efficiency




Depending on construction, photovoltaic modules can produce electricity from a range of frequencies of light, but usually cannot cover the entire solar radiation range (specifically, ultraviolet, infrared and low or diffused light). Hence, much of the incident sunlight energy is wasted by solar modules, and they can give far higher efficiencies if illuminated with monochromatic light. Therefore, another design concept is to split the light into six to eight different wavelength ranges that will produce a different color of light, and direct the beams onto different cells tuned to those ranges.[43]

Performance and degradation




This chart illustrates the effect of clouds on solar energy production.

Module performance is generally rated under standard test conditions (STC): irradiance of 1,000 W/m2, solar spectrum of AM 1.5 and module temperature at 25 °C.[44] The actual voltage and current output of the module changes as lighting, temperature and load conditions change, so there is never one specific voltage at which the module operates. Performance varies depending on geographic location, time of day, the day of the year, amount of solar irradiance, direction and tilt of modules, cloud cover, shading, soiling, state of charge, and temperature. Performance of a module or panel can be measured at different time intervals with a DC clamp meter or shunt and logged, graphed, or charted with a chart recorder or data logger.

For optimum performance, a solar panel needs to be made of similar modules oriented in the same direction perpendicular to direct sunlight. Bypass diodes are used to circumvent broken or shaded panels and optimize output. These bypass diodes are usually placed along groups of solar cells to create a continuous flow.[45]

Electrical characteristics include nominal power (PMAX, measured in W), open-circuit voltage (VOC), short-circuit current (ISC, measured in amperes), maximum power voltage (VMPP), maximum power current (IMPP), peak power, (watt-peak, Wp), and module efficiency (%).

Open-circuit voltage or VOC is the maximum voltage the module can produce when not connected to an electrical circuit or system.[46] VOC can be measured with a voltmeter directly on an illuminated module's terminals or on its disconnected cable.

The peak power rating, Wp, is the maximum output under standard test conditions (not the maximum possible output). Typical modules, which could measure approximately 1 by 2 metres (3 ft × 7 ft), will be rated from as low as 75 W to as high as 600 W, depending on their efficiency. At the time of testing, the test modules are binned according to their test results, and a typical manufacturer might rate their modules in 5 W increments, and either rate them at +/- 3%, +/-5%, +3/-0% or +5/-0%.[47][48][49]

Influence of temperature




The performance of a photovoltaic (PV) module depends on the environmental conditions, mainly on the global incident irradiance G in the plane of the module. However, the temperature T of the p&#;n junction also influences the main electrical parameters: the short circuit current ISC, the open circuit voltage VOC and the maximum power Pmax. In general, it is known that VOC shows a significant inverse correlation with T, while for ISC this correlation is direct, but weaker, so that this increase does not compensate for the decrease in VOC. As a consequence, Pmax decreases when T increases. This correlation between the power output of a solar cell and the working temperature of its junction depends on the semiconductor material, and is due to the influence of T on the concentration, lifetime, and mobility of the intrinsic carriers, i.e., electrons and gaps. inside the photovoltaic cell.

Temperature sensitivity is usually described by temperature coefficients, each of which expresses the derivative of the parameter to which it refers with respect to the junction temperature. The values of these parameters can be found in any data sheet of the photovoltaic module; are the following:

- β: VOC variation coefficient with respect to T, given by &#;VOC/&#;T.

- α: Coefficient of variation of ISC with respect to T, given by &#;ISC/&#;T.

- δ: Coefficient of variation of Pmax with respect to T, given by &#;Pmax/&#;T.

Techniques for estimating these coefficients from experimental data can be found in the literature[50]





The ability of solar modules to withstand damage by rain, hail, heavy snow load, and cycles of heat and cold varies by manufacturer, although most solar panels on the U.S. market are UL listed, meaning they have gone through testing to withstand hail.[51]

Potential-induced degradation (also called PID) is a potential-induced performance degradation in crystalline photovoltaic modules, caused by so-called stray currents.[52] This effect may cause power loss of up to 30%.[53]

Advancements in photovoltaic technologies have brought about the process of "doping" the silicon substrate to lower the activation energy thereby making the panel more efficient in converting photons to retrievable electrons.[54]

Chemicals such as boron (p-type) are applied into the semiconductor crystal in order to create donor and acceptor energy levels substantially closer to the valence and conductor bands.[55] In doing so, the addition of boron impurity allows the activation energy to decrease twenty-fold from 1.12 eV to 0.05 eV. Since the potential difference (EB) is so low, the boron is able to thermally ionize at room temperatures. This allows for free energy carriers in the conduction and valence bands thereby allowing greater conversion of photons to electrons.

The power output of a photovoltaic (PV) device decreases over time. This decrease is due to its exposure to solar radiation as well as other external conditions. The degradation index, which is defined as the annual percentage of output power loss, is a key factor in determining the long-term production of a photovoltaic plant. To estimate this degradation, the percentage of decrease associated with each of the electrical parameters. The individual degradation of a photovoltaic module can significantly influence the performance of a complete string. Furthermore, not all modules in the same installation decrease their performance at exactly the same rate. Given a set of modules exposed to long-term outdoor conditions, the individual degradation of the main electrical parameters and the increase in their dispersion must be considered. As each module tends to degrade differently, the behavior of the modules will be increasingly different over time, negatively affecting the overall performance of the plant.[citation needed]

There are several studies dealing with the power degradation analysis of modules based on different photovoltaic technologies available in the literature. According to a recent study,[56] the degradation of crystalline silicon modules is very regular, oscillating between 0.8% and 1.0% per year.

On the other hand, if we analyze the performance of thin-film photovoltaic modules, an initial period of strong degradation is observed (which can last several months and even up to 2 years), followed by a later stage in which the degradation stabilizes, being then comparable to that of crystalline silicon.[57] Strong seasonal variations are also observed in such thin-film technologies because the influence of the solar spectrum is much greater. For example, for modules of amorphous silicon, micromorphic silicon or cadmium telluride, we are talking about annual degradation rates for the first years of between 3% and 4%.[58] However, other technologies, such as CIGS, show much lower degradation rates, even in those early years.





General cleaning of ground-based solar panels at the Shanta Gold mine in Tanzania Deeper level of cleaning with pressure washing of the car port solar panels at Googleplex, Mountain View, California

Solar panel conversion efficiency, typically in the 20% range, is reduced by the accumulation of dust, grime, pollen, and other particulates on the solar panels, collectively referred to as soiling. "A dirty solar panel can reduce its power capabilities by up to 30% in high dust/pollen or desert areas", says Seamus Curran, associate professor of physics at the University of Houston and director of the Institute for NanoEnergy, which specializes in the design, engineering, and assembly of nanostructures.[59] The average soiling loss in the world in is estimated to be at least 3% &#; 4%.[60]

Paying to have solar panels cleaned is a good investment in many regions, as of .[60] However, in some regions, cleaning is not cost-effective. In California as of soiling-induced financial losses were rarely enough to warrant the cost of washing the panels. On average, panels in California lost a little less than 0.05% of their overall efficiency per day.[61]

There are also occupational hazards with solar panel installation and maintenance. A &#; study in the UK investigated 80 PV-related incidents of fire, with over 20 "serious fires" directly caused by PV installation, including 37 domestic buildings and 6 solar farms. In 1&#;3 of the incidents a root cause was not established and in a majority of others was caused by poor installation, faulty product or design issues. The most frequent single element causing fires was the DC isolators.[62]

A study by kWh Analytics determined median annual degradation of PV systems at 1.09% for residential and 0.8% for non-residential ones, almost twice that previously assumed.[63] A module reliability study found an increasing trend in solar module failure rates with 30% of manufacturers experiencing safety failures related to junction boxes (growth from 20%) and 26% bill-of-materials failures (growth from 20%).[64]

Cleaning methods for solar panels can be divided into 5 groups: manual tools, mechanized tools (such as tractor mounted brushes), installed hydraulic systems (such as sprinklers), installed robotic systems, and deployable robots. Manual cleaning tools are by far the most prevalent method of cleaning, most likely because of the low purchase cost. However, in a Saudi Arabian study done in , it was found that "installed robotic systems, mechanized systems, and installed hydraulic systems are likely the three most promising technologies for use in cleaning solar panels".[65]

Waste and recycling




There were 30 thousand tonnes of PV waste in , and the annual amount was estimated by Bloomberg NEF to rise to more than 1 million tons by and more than 10 million by .[66] For comparison, 750 million tons of fly ash waste was produced by coal power in .[67] In the United States, around 90% of decommissioned solar panels end up in landfills as of .[68] Most parts of a solar module can be recycled including up to 95% of certain semiconductor materials or the glass as well as large amounts of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.[69] Some private companies and non-profit organizations take-back and recycle end-of-life modules.[70] EU law requires manufacturers to ensure their solar panels are recycled properly. Similar legislation is underway in Japan, India, and Australia.[71] A Australian report said that there is a market for quality used panels and made recommendations for increasing reuse.[72]:&#;33&#;

Recycling possibilities depend on the kind of technology used in the modules:

  • Silicon based modules: aluminum frames and junction boxes are dismantled manually at the beginning of the process. The module is then crushed in a mill and the different fractions are separated &#; glass, plastics and metals.[73] It is possible to recover more than 80% of the incoming weight.[74] This process can be performed by flat glass recyclers, since the shape and composition of a PV module is similar to flat glass used in the building and automotive industry. The recovered glass, for example, is readily accepted by the glass foam and glass insulation industry.
  • Non-silicon based modules: they require specific recycling technologies such as the use of chemical baths in order to separate the different semiconductor materials.[75] For cadmium telluride modules, the recycling process begins by crushing the module and subsequently separating the different fractions. This recycling process is designed to recover up to 90% of the glass and 95% of the semiconductor materials contained.[76] Some commercial-scale recycling facilities have been created in recent years by private companies.[77]

Since , there is an annual European conference bringing together manufacturers, recyclers and researchers to look at the future of PV module recycling.[78][79]





The production of PV systems has followed a classic learning curve effect, with significant cost reduction occurring alongside large rises in efficiency and production output.[81]

With over 100% year-on-year growth in PV system installation, PV module makers dramatically increased their shipments of solar modules in . They actively expanded their capacity and turned themselves into gigawatt GW players.[82] According to Pulse Solar, five of the top ten PV module companies in have experienced a rise in solar panel production by at least 25% compared to .[83]

The basis of producing most solar panels is mostly on the use of silicon cells. These silicon cells are typically 10&#;20% efficient[84] at converting sunlight into electricity, with newer production models exceeding 22%.[85]

In , the world's top five solar module producers in terms of shipped capacity during the calendar year of were Jinko Solar, JA Solar, Trina Solar, Longi solar, and Canadian Solar.[86]





The price of solar electrical power has continued to fall so that in many countries it has become cheaper than fossil fuel electricity from the electricity grid since , a phenomenon known as grid parity.[89] With the rise of global awareness, institutions such as the IRS have adopted a tax credit format, refunding a portion of any solar panel array for private use.[90] The price of a solar array only continues to fall.

Average pricing information divides in three pricing categories: those buying small quantities (modules of all sizes in the kilowatt range annually), mid-range buyers (typically up to 10 MWp annually), and large quantity buyers (self-explanatory&#;and with access to the lowest prices). Over the long term there is clearly a systematic reduction in the price of cells and modules. For example, in it was estimated that the quantity cost per watt was about US$0.60, which was 250 times lower than the cost in of US$150.[91][92] A study shows price/kWh dropping by 10% per year since , and predicts that solar could contribute 20% of total electricity consumption by , whereas the International Energy Agency predicts 16% by .[93]

Real-world energy production costs depend a great deal on local weather conditions. In a cloudy country such as the United Kingdom, the cost per produced kWh is higher than in sunnier countries like Spain.

Short term normalized cost comparisons demonstrating value of various electric generation technologies[94] Long term normalized cost comparisons demonstrating value of various electric generation technologies[94]

Following to RMI, Balance-of-System (BoS) elements, this is, non-module cost of non-microinverter solar modules (as wiring, converters, racking systems and various components) make up about half of the total costs of installations.

For merchant solar power stations, where the electricity is being sold into the electricity transmission network, the cost of solar energy will need to match the wholesale electricity price. This point is sometimes called 'wholesale grid parity' or 'busbar parity'.[89]





Standards generally used in photovoltaic modules:

  • IEC (crystalline silicon performance), (thin film performance) and (all modules, safety), (Photovoltaic module performance testing & energy rating)
  • ISO Solar energy&#;Vocabulary.
  • UL from Underwriters Laboratories
  • UL from Underwriters Laboratories
  • UL from Underwriters Laboratories
  • CE mark
  • Electrical Safety Tester (EST) Series (EST-460, EST-22V, EST-22H, EST-110).





There are many practical applications for the use of solar panels or photovoltaics. It can first be used in agriculture as a power source for irrigation. In health care solar panels can be used to refrigerate medical supplies. It can also be used for infrastructure. PV modules are used in photovoltaic systems and include a large variety of electric devices:





Impact on electricity network




With the increasing levels of rooftop photovoltaic systems, the energy flow becomes 2-way. When there is more local generation than consumption, electricity is exported to the grid. However, an electricity network traditionally is not designed to deal with the 2- way energy transfer. Therefore, some technical issues may occur. For example, in Queensland Australia, more than 30% of households used rooftop PV by the end of . The duck curve appeared often for a lot of communities from onwards. An over-voltage issue may result as the electricity flows from PV households back to the network.[95] There are solutions to manage the over voltage issue, such as regulating PV inverter power factor, new voltage and energy control equipment at the electricity distributor level, re-conducting the electricity wires, demand side management, etc. There are often limitations and costs related to these solutions.

For rooftop solar to be able to provide enough backup power during a power cut a battery is often also required.[96]

Quality assurance




Solar module quality assurance involves testing and evaluating solar cells and Solar Panels to ensure the quality requirements of them are met. Solar modules (or panels) are expected to have a long service life between 20 and 40 years.[97] They should continually and reliably convey and deliver the power anticipated. Solar modules can be tested through a combination of physical tests, laboratory studies, and numerical analyses.[98] Furthermore, solar modules need to be assessed throughout the different stages of their life cycle. Various companies such as Southern Research Energy & Environment, SGS Consumer Testing Services, TÜV Rheinland, Sinovoltaics, Clean Energy Associates (CEA), CSA Solar International and Enertis provide services in solar module quality assurance."The implementation of consistent traceable and stable manufacturing processes becomes mandatory to safeguard and ensure the quality of the PV Modules" [99]

Stages of testing




The lifecycle stages of testing solar modules can include: the conceptual phase, manufacturing phase, transportation and installation, commissioning phase, and the in-service phase. Depending on the test phase, different test principles may apply.

Conceptual phase




The first stage can involve design verification where the expected output of the module is tested through computer simulation. Further, the modules ability to withstand natural environment conditions such as temperature, rain, hail, snow, corrosion, dust, lightning, horizon and near-shadow effects is tested. The layout for design and construction of the module and the quality of components and installation can also be tested at this stage.

Manufacturing phase




Inspecting manufacturers of components is carried through visitation. The inspection can include assembly checks, material testing supervision and Non Destructive Testing (NDT). Certification is carried out according to ANSI/UL, IEC , IEC , IEC , IEC and IEC -1/-2.

See also






