Stainless Steel Woven Wire Mesh & Screen Overview | LSM

06 May.,2024


Stainless Steel Woven Wire Mesh & Screen Overview | LSM

A Stainless Steel Woven Wire Mesh, Wire Cloth & Screen Overview

Wire mesh is a fabric-like material used in countless industrial and commercial applications. Its versatility is due in part to its availability in a broad range of variations, which differ in regard to opening size, wire diameter, material, and construction.

For more information, please visit our website.

Wire mesh materials can be categorized into two main classifications based on construction: woven or welded. The following page provides an overview of woven wire mesh, outlining what it is, its key features and benefits, how it differs from welded wire mesh, and its typical applications.

What Is Woven Wire Mesh?

Woven wire mesh—also sometimes referred to as woven wire cloth—is created by weaving wire strands in an over-under or under-over method to form different patterns with varying specifications. Some of the most common weave patterns employed include:

  • Plain/square weave
  • Rectangular weave
  • Plain Dutch weave
  • Twilled Dutch weave
  • Intercrimp weave

The weave pattern of mesh significantly influences what use cases for which it is suited. For example, plain square weaves are ideal for use in general-purpose applications, while Dutch weaves are more appropriate for use in air and water filtering applications.

In addition to weave, woven wire mesh varies in regard to size and material. It is available with openings ranging from a few microns to 4 inches and metals such as aluminum, brass, bronze, copper, Monel, and (most commonly) stainless steel.

Benefits of Woven Wire Mesh

When used in industrial and commercial applications, woven wire mesh offers a number of advantages, including:

  • Strength: The interwoven and clinched design of woven wire mesh results in a durable and reliable material that retains its structural integrity during use even when subjected to impact and other stresses.
  • Ventilation and visibility: The numerous openings in woven wire mesh allow light, air, and sound to pass through relatively unobstructed, resulting in better visibility, circulation, ventilation, and acoustics in the facility.
  • Safety and security: The open design allows employees to maintain a direct line of sight throughout the facility, enabling them to act accordingly in the event of an emergency. For example, if there is a fire, they can stop any equipment and spray extinguishing fluid through the mesh. In addition to facilitating visibility, woven wire mesh also protects employees and equipment from large debris that flies outward or inward, respectively, without sacrificing any of the above qualities.
  • Easy cleaning and maintenance: Woven wire mesh is easy to clean and maintain, resulting in smaller time and labor costs for such operations.
  • Low investment cost: Many manufacturers have optimized the manufacture of woven wire mesh to decrease waste and increase production efficiency, which translates to a lower price point for customers.
  • Broad availability and customizability: As indicated above, woven wire mesh comes in many patterns, materials, and sizes. While there is an extensive selection of standard options available, some manufacturers offer custom solutions to customers with highly specific or unique needs.

Woven vs. Welded Wire Mesh

Wire mesh comes in both woven and welded variations, both of which offer unique advantages that make them suitable for different industrial applications. For example:

  • Woven wire mesh has a much wider range of possible specifications compared to welded wire mesh, resulting in applications ranging from micronic filtering capabilities using fine woven mesh to fencing and security screens using coarse woven mesh. It is also more flexible, making it ideal for use with parts and products with unusual or irregular contours.
  • Welded wire mesh is stronger and more durable than woven wire mesh, making it suitable for use for protective or barrier purposes. As the individual wire strands are welded in place, the mesh as a whole is more rigid and uniform, both qualities which suit this type of mesh for use in parts and products with strict dimensional tolerances.

Common Applications for Woven Wire Mesh

Woven wire mesh is highly versatile. It sees uses in a wide range of industrial applications, such as the following:

  • Architectural elements (e.g., infill panels)
  • Baskets (e.g., fry baskets)
  • Cages (e.g., livestock and security cages)
  • Fencing
  • Filtration and separation components (e.g., drain filters)
  • Grills and grates
  • Handrails and safety guards
  • Medical centrifuge screens
  • Racks (e.g., drying racks)
  • RFI and EMI shielding
  • Screens (e.g., fireplace, insect, security, and splatter screens)
  • Shelving and stands
  • Ventilation fan screens

Lawrence Sintered Metals: The Wire Mesh Experts

For all of your wire mesh needs, turn to the experts at Lawrence Sintered Metals. We manufacture and distribute wire mesh, wire cloth, and sintered wire mesh that suit the needs of customers from a diverse set of industries, including aerospace and defense, agriculture, automobile, construction, pharmaceuticals, and more. Our products are available in woven or welded variations in different materials (e.g., aluminum, brass, bronze, copper, and stainless steel), finishes (e.g., epoxy coating), and sizes.

We also offer fabrication services to tailor the wire mesh to exact specifications, including:

  • Wire mesh notching and slitting
  • Wire mesh punching
  • Wire mesh seaming
  • Wire mesh shearing and cutting-to-size
  • Wire mesh welding
  • Wire mesh inspection

For more information about our product and service offerings or assistance with an upcoming wire mesh application, contact us today. One of our representatives will answer and address any questions or concerns you may have regarding wire mesh.

Wire Cloth Specifications (center to center)

Mesh Wire Diameter Opening Open Area Percentage Weight per sq.ft 1 x 1 .063” .937” 87.8 0.255 .080” .920” 84.6 0.411 .092” .908” 82.4 0.544 .105” .895” 80.1 0.710 .120” .880” 77.4 0.928 .135” .865” 74.8 1.177 .148” .852” 72.6 1.417 .162” .838” 70.2 1.702 .192” .808” 65.3 2.403 .250” .750” 56.3 4.124 3/4 x 3/4 .054” .696” 86.1 0.249 .063” .687” 83.9 0.340 .072” .678” 81.7 0.445 .080” .670” 79.8 0.549 .092” .658” 76.9 0.728 .105” .645” 73.9 0.950 .120” .630” 70.5 1.244 .135” .615” 67.2 1.581 .148” .602” 64.4 1.905 .162” .588” 61.4 2.292 .192” .558” 55.3 3.248 .250” .500” 44.4 5.623 2 x 2 .047” .453” 81.2 0.284 .054” .446” 79.6 0.376 .063” .437” 76.4 0.512 .072” .428” 73.3 0.671 .080” .420” 70.6 0.830 .092” .408” 66.6 1.102 .105” .395” 62.4 1.442 .120” .380” 57.8 1.896 .135” .365” 53.3 2.417 .148” .352” 49.6 2.924 .162” .338” 45.7 3.533 .192” .308” 37.9 5.055 3 x 3 .032” .301” 81.5 0.197 .035” .298” 79.9 0.237 .041” .292” 76.7 0.325 .047” .286” 73.6 0.428 .054” .279” 70.1 0.567 .063” .270” 65.6 0.776 .072” .261” 61.3 1.019 .080” .253” 57.6 1.264 .092” .241” 52.3 1.687 .105” .228” 46.8 2.220 .120” .213” 40.8 2.939 .135” .198” 35.3 3.776 4 x 4 .025” .225” 81.0 0.161 .028” .222” 78.9 0.202 .032” .218” 76.0 0.264 .035” .215” 74.0 0.317 .041” .209” 69.9 0.436 .047” .203” 65.9 0.576 .054” .196” 61.5 0.764 .063” .187” 56.0 1.048 .072” .178” 50.7 1.382 .080” .170” 46.2 1.721 .092” .158” 39.9 2.310 .105” .145” 33.6 3.062 .120” .130” 27.0 3.886 .135” .115” 21.2 5.038 5 x 5 .032” .168” 70.6 0.332 .035” .165” 68.1 0.398 .041” .159” 63.2 0.549 .047” .153” 58.5 0.726 .054” .146” 53.3 0.967 .063” .137” 46.9 1.332 .072” .128” 41.0 1.764 .080” .120” 36.0 2.206 .092” .108” 29.2 2.834 .105” .095” 22.6 3.787 6 x 6 .028” .139” 69.6 0.305 .032” .135” 65.6 0.400 .035” .132” 62.7 0.481 .041” .126” 57.2 0.665 .047” .120” 51.8 0.882 .054” .113” 46.0 1.177 .063” .104” 38.9 1.630 .072” .095” 32.5 2.169 .080” .087” 27.2 2.591 7 x 7 .028” .115” 64.8 0.358 .032” .111” 60.4 0.470 .035” .108” 57.2 0.565 .041” .102” 51.0 0.784 .047” .096” 45.2 1.042 .054” .089” 38.8 1.397 .063” .080” 31.4 1.847 8 x 8 .017” .108” 74.6 0.140 .020” .105” 70.6 0.200 .023” .102” 66.6 0.270 .025” .100” 64.0 0.320 .028” .097” 60.2 0.410 .032” .093” 55.4 0.541 .035” .090” 51.8 0.651 .041” .084” 45.2 0.906 .047” .078” 38.9 1.209 .054” .071” 32.3 1.627 .063” .062” 24.6 2.163 9 x 9 .023” .088” 62.7 0.311 .032” .079” 50.6 0.614 .035” .076” 46.8 0.740 .047” .064” 33.2 1.382 10 x 10 .020” .080” 64.0 0.261 .023” .077” 59.3 0.347 .025” .075” 54.3 0.412 .028” .072” 51.8 0.521 .032” .068” 46.2 0.688 .035” .065” 42.3 0.831 .041” .059” 34.8 1.163 .047” .053” 28.1 1.484 .054” .046” 21.2 2.015 .063” .037” 13.7 2.854 12 x 12 .018” .065” 60.8 0.255 .020” .063” 57.2 0.316 .023” .060” 51.8 0.422 .025” .058” 48.4 0.501 .028” .055” 43.6 0.635 .032” .051” 37.5 0.843 .035” .048” 33.2 1.021 .041” .042” 25.4 1.367 .047” .036” 18.7 1.851 14 X 14 .017” .054” 57.2 0.266 .018” .053” 55.1 0.299 .020” .051” 51.0 0.372 .023” .048” 45.2 0.498 .025” .046” 41.5 0.593 .028” .043” 36.2 0.755 .032” .039” 29.8 1.005 .035” .036” 25.4 1.161 .041” .030” 17.6 1.650 16 x 16 .016” .047” 55.4 0.271 .017” .046” 53.0 0.307 .018” .045” 50.7 0.345 .020” .043” 46.2 0.430 .023” .040” 39.9 0.577 .025” .038” 36.0 0.689 .028” .035” 30.5 0.836 .032” .031” 23.8 1.119 .035” .028” 19.4 1.366 18 x 14 .011” .045”/.060” 70.6 0.102 18 x 18 .009” .047” 70.4 0.095 .011” .045” 64.4 0.142 .017” .039” 48.3 0.348 .018” .038” 45.8 0.392 .020” .036” 41.1 0.490 .023” .033” 34.4 0.660 .025” .031” 30.3 0.750 .028” .028” 24.7 0.961 .032” .024” 18.0 1.294 20 x 20 .009” .041” 67.2 0.105 .014” .036” 51.8 0.261 .015” .035” 49.0 0.301 .016” .034” 46.2 0.344 .017” .033” 43.6 0.391 .018” .032” 41.0 0.441 .020” .030” 36.0 0.552 .023” .027” 29.2 0.708 .025” .025” 25.0 0.850 .028” .022” 19.4 1.093 24 x 24 .0075” .034” 67.4 0.088 .010” .032” 57.9 0.158 .014” .028” 44.2 0.318 .020” .022” 27.1 0.648 26 x 26 .015” .024” 37.3 0.402 .016” .023” 34.2 0.461 .017” .022” 31.2 0.526 .018” .021” 28.4 0.566 .020” .019” 23.1 0.713 28 x 28 .010” .026” 51.8 0.186 .0135” .022” 38.6 0.349 30 x 30 .007” .027” 64.8 0.084 .0075” .026” 59.9 0.111 .008” .025” 57.6 0.126 .0085” .025” 55.4 0.143 .009” .024” 53.1 0.161 .010” .023” 48.9 0.200 .011” .022” 44.8 0.245 .012” .021” 40.8 0.294 .013” .020” 37.1 0.348 .014” .019” 33.5 0.408 .015” .018” 30.1 0.474 .016” .017” 26.9 0.618 35 x 35 .011” .018” 37.9 0.290 .012” .017” 33.8 0.350 .013” .016” 29.8 0.416 .014” .015” 26.1 0.465 40 x 40 .0065” .019” 54.8 0.113 .007” .018” 51.8 0.130 .0075” .018” 49.0 0.150 .008” .017” 46.2 0.172 .0085” .017” 43.6 0.195 .009” .016” 41.0 0.220 .0095” .016” 38.4 0.247 .010” .015” 36.0 0.276 .011” .014” 31.4 0.338 .012” .013” 27.0 0.409 .013” .012” 23.0 0.488 50 x 40 .008” .012”/.017” 40.8 0.184 50 x 50 .0055” .015” 52.6 0.101 .0075” .013” 39.1 0.192 .008” .012” 36.0 0.221 .0085” .012” 33.1 0.251 .009” .011” 30.3 0.284 .0095” .011” 27.6 0.320 .010” .010” 25.0 0.340 .011” .009” 20.3 0.420 .012” .008” 16.0 0.511 60 x 50 .0065” .0102”/.0135” 41.3 0.153 .0075” .0092”/.0125” 34.4 0.203 60 x 60 .0045” .012” 53.3 0.081 .006” .011” 41.2 0.147 .0065” .010” 37.5 0.174 .007” .010” 33.9 0.204 .0075” .009” 30.5 0.237 .008” .009” 27.2 0.273 .0085” .008” 24.2 0.296 .009” .008” 21.3 0.335 .0095” .007” 18.7 0.379 .010” .007” 16.2 0.426 .011” .006” 11.7 0.529 70 x 70 .0037” .0106” 54.9 0.060 .006” .008” 33.8 0.175 .0065” .008” 29.8 0.208 .007” .007” 26.1 0.233 .0075” .007” 22.7 0.271 .008” .006” 19.4 0.313 .0085” .006” 16.5 0.358 .009” .005” 13.8 0.407 80 x 70 .0055” .007”/.0088” 34.5 0.150 .007” .0055”/.0073” 22.5 0.248 80 x 80 .0037” .0088” 49.6 0.069 .005” .008” 36.0 0.138 .0055” .007” 31.4 0.169 .006” .007” 27.0 0.204 .0065” .006” 23.0 0.232 .007” .006” 19.4 0.274 .0075” .005” 16.0 0.319 90 x 90 .0035” .0076” 47.8 0.073 .005” .006” 30.1 0.158 .0055” .006” 25.4 0.184 .006” .005” 21.1 0.224 100 x 90 .004” .006”/.0071” 38.5 0.112 .0045” .0055”/.0066” 32.7 0.117 100 x 100 .0022” .0078” 60.8 0.049 .003” .007” 49.0 0.060 .0035” .007” 42.3 0.083 .004” .006” 36.0 0.110 .0045” .006” 30.3 0.142 .005” .005” 25.0 0.170 120 x 120 .0026” .0057” 48.4 0.050 .0035” .005” 33.2 0.100 .0037” .0046” 30.5 0.103 .0040” .0043” 26.8 0.132 145 x 145 .0022” .0048” 46.4 0.049 150 x 150 .0026” .0041” 37.8 0.072 .003” .0037” 30.4 0.093 165 x 165 .0019” .0041” 47.1 0.042 180 x 180 .0018” .0038” 46.0 0.047 .0023” .0033” 34.7 0.067 200 x 190 .0021” .0029”/.0032” 34.9 0.050 200 x 200 .0016” .0035” 46.2 0.036 .0021” .0029” 33.6 0.063 .0023” .0027” 49.2 0.073 230 x 230 .0014” .0029” 46.0 0.031 250 x 250 .0014” .0026” 42.3 0.035 .0016” .0024” 36.0 0.041 270 x 270 .0014” .0023” 38.6 0.037 .0016” .0021” 32.1 0.048 280 x 280 .0014” .0022” 38.0 0.039 300 x 300 .0012” .0021” 41.0 0.030 .0015” .0018” 29.2 0.047 325 x 325 .0011” .0020” 41.6 0.029 .0014” .0017” 30.5 0.043 400 x 400 .0010” .0015” 38.0 0.028 .0011” .0014” 31.4 0.034 500 x 500 .0010” .0010” 26.0 0.033 635 x 635 .0008” .0008” 25.8 0.027

Security Screens - Shop Now

Product Overview

Security Screens: Designed To Protect You

There is nowhere that you should feel safer than inside your own home. Our security screen is designed to protect your home from all kinds of threats. It is puncture-, cut-, and dent-proof, making it a formidable opponent against vandals, critters, and rogue golf balls alike. If you are looking for the strongest window screen on the market, consider opting for a security screen. Imagine being able to open your windows no matter the time of day without having to worry about intruders and hungry critters, while also having greater peace of mind about your child’s and pet’s safety.

Stainless Steel Security Screen Specs

  • Mesh Count: 12x12

  • Made of woven 304 high-tensile stainless steel

  • Diameter: 0.028”

  • Available in 2 Mesh colors: Black and Mill

  • Available in 5 Frame Colors: Black, White, Mill, Charcoal, Bronze, & Almond

Home Security Screen Construction

  • Screen frame is clamped firmly to stainless steel screen versus traditional screens which are only secured with rubber spline

  • Tig-welded mitered joints of the screen’s frame provide strength and durability

  • Available with various frame profiles - fixed - hinged - latches or key locks and more.

Benefits of Security Screens for Homes

Extremely Durable Window Screen

Whether you are looking to keep pets in, keep thieves out, or anything in between, our security screens are the perfect home security solution. It is even resistant to larger animals like bears or alligators that may rip through standard window screens. You may never replace your screens again!

Good Visibility and Airflow

Link to Qunkun

Despite its strength, our security screen actually has a pretty thin diameter, which gives it excellent airflow. Our black color also offers great visibility compared to similar products, while our mill color is more reflective and can consequently obstruct your view. 

Storm Protection for Windows

Not only do security screens make your home safer, but they can also prevent damage to your windows. Originally designed for extreme storm protection, these screens protect your windows from extreme weather conditions such as hurricanes, earthquakes, or hail storms. They can also protect your windows from things like golf balls, soft balls, and other flying debris. 

Golf Ball Protection for Windows

If your house is close to a golf course, then you've probably dealt with more than one broken window from a rogue golf ball. Our cut-to-size security screens offer window protection from errant golfballs and safeguard your property from the potential damage caused by the beginner golfer. 

Easy to Install

Both series of security screens (fixed and operable) are surface-mounted frames. The substrate that you are attaching to will determine the fastener you need to use. Fasteners (screws) are not included. 

High Visibility Security Screens 

 You don't have to sacrifice window protection for a great view. When you use black stainless steel mesh for your security screens, you can keep the view and protect your windows too.

Applications for Home Security Screens

Pet-Proof Security Screen

Do your furry friends claw, tear, or even break your screens? Our security screen is designed to withstand all kinds of abuse your pets can throw at it. Keep your pets safe inside and other pesky critters out with security screen!

Vandal Proof Security Screen

When planning a home invasion, burglars tend to target homes that are easy to get into, making security screens an excellent deterrent, and are much better for curb appeal than unsightly burglar bars.

Child Safety Screen

Injuries sustained from falling out of windows can be extremely severe — especially for small children. Our fixed panel security screens are able to withstand a huge amount of force, meaning you can let in a fresh breeze and know your little ones are safe and sound.

Types of Home Security Screens

Fixed Panel Security Screens

Our security screens are pre-installed into their frames, so all you have to do is place it in your window. Provided your measurements are accurate and you install it properly, these will stay in place for years to come. Place on windows in kids’ rooms, rooms where pets frequent, or anywhere else where you want a window that won’t budge. 

Hinged Opening Security Screens

In the case of an emergency, being able to climb out of a window can be all the difference. Our hinged security screens are latched, making them easy to open from the inside while still being impenetrable from the outside. Whether you want to have an emergency exit or easier access for cleaning your screens, the hinged security screen might be just what you need. 

Arched & Irregular Shaped Security Screens

Are your windows an irregular shape? Not a problem. We can customize your security screen to fit on arched windows or other non-traditional window types so that you can feel safe regardless of your home’s aesthetics.

How to Order Security Screens

Interested in installing security screens for your home? Answer just a few questions about your ideal size, quantity, and other aesthetic preferences and we will build your custom security screen to ship right to your door! Start by filling out our security screen survey to connect with a screen expert for a custom quote. 

FAQs - Home Security Screens

Have questions about home window security? Read FAQs below or call us! We have live screen experts waiting to take your call and help you find the best window screen for your needs and budget. You can also visit our showroom in Highlands Ranch, Colorado. 

Do Screens Help Protect Windows?

Yes. However, not just any window screen will provide protection. Security screens made from stainless steel and clamped into an aluminum or steel frame can protect your windows from golf balls, vandals, and provide increased window safety for children and pets.  

How Can I Improve My Window Security at Home?

Security screens. Security screens are fabricated with stainless steel mesh which is then clamped into an aluminum or steel frame. As a result of it’s durability and strength, these screens can not be cut or punctured, and can withstand high-impact force of 100 pounds which can keep out even the most aggressive intruders and add safety for children and pets. 

Learn More

Contact us to discuss your requirements of Stainless Steel Security Mesh. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.