The Benefits of Using Plastic Packaging

17 Jun.,2024


The Benefits of Using Plastic Packaging

The Benefits of Using Plastic Packaging

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Plastic packaging allows us to protect, preserve, store and transport products in a variety of ways.

Without plastic packaging, a great deal of products that consumers purchase would not make the journey to the home or store, or survive in good condition long enough to be consumed or used.  


1 Why Use Plastics Packaging
2 Pack For All Seasons
    2.1 Examples of Packaging
3 Contribution to Sustainable Development
    3.1 Plastics packaging saves energy
    3.2 Plastics packaging is an optimal use of resources
    3.3 Plastics packaging prevents food waste
    3.4 Plastics packaging: continuous improvements through innovation
4 Plastics Packaging Means Low Environmental Impacts
    4.1 Oil and gas in context &#; carbon savings with plastics packaging
    4.2 Re-usable plastics packaging
    4.3 A strong recycling record
    4.4 Energy from waste
5 Find a Packaging Supplier
    5.1 Find a Supplier Form
    5.2 BPF Packaging Group Guide

1. Why Use Plastics Packaging?

Above all, plastics are used because of the unique combination of benefits they offer; 

Durability: The long polymer chains which constitute the plastics raw material make it extraordinarily difficult to break.

Safety: Plastics packaging is shatterproof and does not fragment into dangerous shards when dropped. For more information on the safety of plastic packaging, as well as its safety in contact with food, visit plastic packaging safety.

Hygiene: Plastics packaging is ideal for the packaging of foodstuffs, medicines and pharmaceuticals. It can be filled and sealed without human intervention. The materials used, both plastics raw materials and additives, fulfill all food safety legislation at national and European Union levels. Plastics products are customarily used as medical devices in intimate contact with body tissue and conform to the highest standards of safety in their life-saving uses.

Security: Plastics packaging can be produced and used with tamper-evident and child resistant closures. The transparency of the pack enables users to examine the condition of the goods prior to purchase.

Light Weight: Plastics packaging items are low in weight but high in strength. Hence products packed in plastics are easy to lift and handle by consumers and by personnel in the distribution chain.

Design Freedom: The properties of the materials combined with the array of processing technologies employed in the industry, ranging from injection and blow moulding to thermoforming, enable the production of an infinite number of pack shapes and configurations. Additionally the extensive range of colouring possibilities and the ease of printing and decoration facilitate brand identification and information for the consumer.

For more information on the reasons why plastic packaging is used

2. Pack for All Seasons

The nature of plastics technology with its wide variety of raw materials and processing techniques permits the manufacture of packaging in an infinite variety of shapes, colours and technical properties. Practically anything can be packed in plastics - liquids, powders, solids and semi-solids.

2.1 Some examples of plastics packaging:



Bulk Containers



Returnable Transit Packaging


Blister Packaging  
3. Contribution to Sustainable Development

3.1 Plastics packaging saves energy

Because it is lightweight plastics packaging can save energy in the transport of packed goods. Less fuel is used, there are lower emissions and, additionally, there are cost savings for distributors, retailers and consumers. 

A yogurt pot made from glass weighs about 85grams, while one made from plastics only weighs 5.5grams. In a lorry filled with a product packed in glass jars 36% of the load would be accounted for by the packaging. If packed in plastic pouches the packaging would amount to just 3.56%. To transport the same amount of yogurt three trucks are needed for glass pots, but only two for plastic pots . 
3.2 Plastics packaging is an optimal use of resources

Because of the high strength / weight ratio of plastics packaging it is possible to pack a given volume of product with plastics rather than with traditional materials.
It has been shown that if there was no plastics packaging available to society and there was necessary recourse to other materials overall packaging consumption of packaging mass, energy and GHG emissions would increase.


Source: PlasticsEurope
(GHG &#; Greenhouse gas)

3.3 Plastics packaging prevents food waste

Almost 50% of the total amount of food thrown away in the UK comes from our homes. We throw away 7.2 million tonnes of food and drink from our homes every year in the UK, and more than half of this is food and drink we could have eaten. Wasting this food costs the average household £480 a year, rising to £680 for a family with children, the equivalent of around £50 a month.

The durability and sealability of plastics packaging protects goods from deterioration and increases shelf life. With modified atmosphere packaging made from plastics, shelf life can be increased from 5 to 10 days, allowing food loss in stores to be reduced from 16% to 4%.
Traditionally grapes were sold in loose bunches. Grapes are now sold in sealed trays so that the loose ones stay with the bunch. This has reduced waste in stores typically by over 20%.

3.4 Plastics packaging: continuous improvements through innovation

There is a strong record of innovation in the UK&#;s plastics packaging industry.
Technical advances and design flair have reduced the quantity of plastics packaging needed to pack a given quantity of product over time without sacrificing the pack&#;s strength or durability. For example a 1 litre plastic detergent bottle which weighed 120gms in now just weighs 43gms, a 64% reduction.  


Contact us to discuss your requirements of pcr plastic pros and cons. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.

Society&#;s consumption levels rose by 20% between and . However the use of plastics packaging only rose by 4% . 

For more information on the the environmental impact of plastic packaging

4 Plastics Packaging Means Low Environmental Impacts

4.1 Oil and gas in context &#; carbon savings with plastics packaging

Plastics packaging is estimated to account for just 1.5% of oil and gas use, the BPF estimate. The chemical building blocks for plastics raw materials are derived from by- products of the refining process which originally would have had no other uses.
Whilst the vast majority of oil and gas  is consumed in transport and heating , the usefulness of that used for plastics manufacture is extended by the recyclability of plastics and the potential for recovering its energy content at the end of its life in waste to energy plants.

A study in Canada showed that to replace plastic packaging with alternative materials involve the consumption of 582 million gigajoules more energy and would create 43 million tonnes of additional CO2 emissions. The energy saved each year by using plastics packaging is equivalent to 101.3 million barrels of oil or the amount of CO2 produced by 12.3 million passenger cars. 

4.2 Re-usable plastics packaging

Many types of plastics packaging are long &#; life artifacts. Returnable crates, for example, have life spans of over 25 years or more and re-usable bags are playing a greater role in responsible retailing.
4.3 A strong recycling record

Plastics packaging is eminently recyclable and a growing range of plastics packaging incorporates recyclate. EU legislation now permits the use of plastics recyclate in new packaging intended for food stuffs.

In June the Government Advisory Committee on Packaging (ACP) announced that in /11 24.1% of all plastics packaging was recycled in the UK and this achievement exceeded the target figure of 22.5% stated by the government. The UK plastics recycling industry is one of the most dynamic in the EU with some 40 companies constituting the BPF&#;s Recycling Group.

Recycling 1 tonne of plastic bottles saves 1.5 tonnes of carbon and one plastic bottle saves enough energy to run a 60 watt light bulb for 6 hours .

4.4 Energy from waste

Plastics packaging can be recycled six or more times before its properties are weakened. At the end of its life plastics packaging can be submitted to energy from waste schemes. Plastics have a high calorific value. A mixed basket of plastics products made from Polyethylene and Polyproplylene, for example, would, at 45 MJ/kg, have a much greater net caloric value than coal at 25 MJ/kg.


5 Find A Packaging Supplier

5.1  Find a Supplier (form)

Please complete the online form below. Once the form has been submitted, your enquiry will then be posted onto the BPF password protected members area so the relevant companies can contact you directly.

If you do not wish to appear in the secure members&#; area, please complete the online form here.


Fill out my online form


5.2  BPF Packaging Group Guide

The BPF's Packaging Group is made up of over 80 companies supplying plastic packaging products, including blow moulding, thermoforming and film.  The guide below gives details of all members of the Group.




  •   BASF. (). Plastics - they ensure that fresh remains fresh. Life and the Environment with Plastics. p 4.
  •   PlasticsEurope. (). Saving Resources and Energy. Plastics Packaging: Born to Protect. p10.
  •   Love Food Hate Waste. (). The facts about food waste. Available: Last accessed 7th   March
  •   PlasticsEurope. (). Reducing Food Waste. Plastics - the facts . p 25.
  •   INCPEN. (). Facts and Figures. Packaging in Perspective. p 14.
  •   INCPEN. (). Facts and Figures. Packaging in Perspective. P13.
  •   PlasticsEurope. (). Saving Resources and Energy. Plastics Packaging: Born to Protect. p10.
  •   BPI, , environmental Facts, p1
  • &#; How Recycling Works &#; recycling facts and tips

Glass vs Plastic: Which is Better for Packaging?

Since the introduction of plastic packaging, the debate has raged on: which is better for packaging, glass or plastic? Brands and consumers have weighed in over the years with healthy debate from both viewpoints. As a distributor of both glass and plastic container packaging, we wanted to outline the advantages and disadvantages to help you decide which material is right for your brand. 

Throughout the last two decades, plastic has steadily become a more common packaging material, depending on the industry. Knowing what product the packaging is used for can help determine whether glass or plastic is the best material to move forward with. Throughout the retail landscape, you will still see both plastic and glass are used in a variety of household and consumer products, and industries.

Benefits & Disadvantages of Plastic Packaging

Plastic packaging comes in many shapes and sizes and is utilized across all industries. Plastic is most  commonly used in food and household products. 

It has helped improve and evolve products that we use in our everyday lives. There are 7 different ways to classify plastics. Each classification has benefits and disadvantages as a packaging option. 


Some of the benefits of plastic packaging include:

  • Helps to protect and preserve goods
    There is a reason you see it more than glass in the grocery store these days. Technology has come a long way and plastic containers do a great job of sealing in flavor and preserving it for a long period of time.
  • Reduced transportation weight
    Glass is much heavier than plastic, which leads to higher transportation costs, including cushioning to keep those glass packed products safe. Because plastic is light, there are large cost savings when transporting truckloads of plastic packed products. In Planters switched from glass to plastic for their line of peanut products and reduced shipping weight by a whopping 84%!
  • Performance and energy-efficient
    New plastics perform well in a variety of applications from high heat to freezing temperatures. Since plastic has a lower melting point, they are more energy-efficient and leave a smaller carbon footprint compared to glass manufacturing.
  • Cheaper than glass
    Plastic is much cheaper than its glass counterpart. It is usually manufactured in large quantities to help keep the overall cost of the material low.
  • Highly durable
    Most plastic containers are designed to absorb a small amount of trauma without breaking or cracking. Being durable also helps pack more product into tractor-trailers or shipping containers without fear of breakage.

Some of the disadvantages of plastic packaging include:

  • Poor longevity as plastic degrades over time
    Plastic is affected over time by scratches, being dented or cracked. It can also be compromised by excessive light during its life cycle.
  • Absorbs flavors and smells easily
    When used for food packaging, plastic can absorb color, flavors, and smells of the product. Think garlic, tomato sauce, or curry dishes!
  • Large environmental and health impact
    Even with excellent recycling resources across the country, plastic is still one of the leading causes of pollution. Always make sure to recycle your plastic waste whenever possible to be as eco-friendly as possible. Plastic is also not biodegradable, so making the most of your plastic products before disposing can go a long way.
  • At higher risk for high levels of BPA
    While the chances are low, there are still some plastics that may contain BPA. All plastic products that TricorBraun stocks are 100% BPA free and free of potentially harmful toxic chemicals.

Benefits & Disadvantages of Glass Packaging

Glass packaging has been around for over 100 years and is still a staple on grocery store shelves. Pickles and olives come to mind as products that will always use glass jars for their containers. The beer, wine, and spirit markets also use glass bottles for the majority of their products. 

Just like plastic, using glass packaging should be determined by the product that will be held within (for example, the acidity of pickle juice wouldn&#;t do well in plastic). Glass is not only a standard in the food industry, but also in some non-food industries as well. The cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries use glass to protect sensitive creams and expensive drugs that need to be protected from outside elements. The spirits industry uses glass to evoke a premium experience.

Some of the benefits of glass packaging include:

  • Glass is nonporous and impermeable
    Because of this, it does not absorb flavors or smells. There are no interactions with glass packaging and the final product. This makes it perfect for sensitive products.
  • Has an almost zero rate of chemical interactions
    This helps to ensure that the final product inside the glass container keeps its efficacy, taste, aroma, and flavor longer.
  • Made from natural materials
    Glass is manufactured using superheated sand, soda ash, and  limestone taken from the earth.
  • FDA has designated it as fully safe
    With no ability to leach chemicals when exposed to hot or cold temperatures, glass is 100% FDA approved for a variety of applications.
  • Glass is 100% recyclable
    Glass is easier to recycle than plastic. Almost every piece of glass you encounter has a portion of recycled material in it, making it an environmentally friendly option.
  • Can be recycled infinitely
    Glass can always be crushed down and reused in new glass products. Most glass manufacturing companies have a minimum of recyclable material to help make a positive environmental impact and keep costs down.

Some of the disadvantages of glass packaging include:

  • Transportation costs are higher than plastic
    Glass is much heavier than plastic. That can lead to higher transportation costs from the manufacturer and along the supply chain, while also adding cost when moving the final product to its final destination.
  • Glass manufacturing is high energy-consuming
    This is due to the high temperature required for processing and manufacturing.
  • Not highly impact resistant
    While you might be able to get away with dropping a plastic bottle without it breaking, that is rarely the case when it comes to glass products.
  • Rigid yet brittle
    Glass can break without significant strain. When broken it can be extremely dangerous because of sharp shards.

So is glass better than plastic? Who&#;s the winner in glass vs plastic for bottles and other types of containers?

Well, the main takeaways are that there are serious advantages and disadvantages to both glass and plastic packaging. It really comes down to the final product and your brand story. 

TricorBraun offers a selection of both glass and plastic packaging products. We stock options that can be outfitted with many types of caps and closures, including child resistant or tamper evident closures. If you are having trouble deciding which packaging solution is best for you, please contact us and we will guide you in your packaging journey. Our knowledgeable team is always happy to assist and can run through the pros and cons of both types of packaging with you to make sure that you find the perfect bottle or jar for your brand&#;s needs.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit recycled abs plastic granules for sale.