Column Layout for Residential Building - 4 Important Points

10 Jun.,2024


Column Layout for Residential Building - 4 Important Points

Table of Contents

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What is the purpose of Columns in the Residential Building?

How to place columns in Plan?

How to determine the position of the column?

What should be the maximum spacing between the columns?

What is the standard size of a column?

Why RCC columns are preferred?

Innovation in Column Design and Construction

What is the purpose of Columns in the Residential Building?

A column is a vertical structural member that is meant to move a compressive load. A column may transfer the load from a ceiling, or floor to a foundation. A beam might do the same thing with the load from a column to a floor. Columns are often used to hold up beams or arches on which the upper parts of walls or ceilings rest, like in a ceiling or wall.

In architecture, the term column refers to a structural component that also has certain proportional and decorative characteristics. There are pillars that compress the weight of things above them and send it to things below them. People have been able to build taller structures and buildings that don't fall down because of their own weight because of pillars. &#;Structural columns are used to show vertical load-bearing parts in a building.

Structural columns are also different from architectural columns in how they act. People who build buildings use structural elements like braces, beams, and foundations that connect to structural columns. These elements don't connect to architectural columns.

How to place columns in Plan?

As a general rule, columns should be placed nearby the corners of the building, and at the points where beams and walls come together. Select the location of columns so that beams don't bend. Avoid beams that are too long. Avoid columns with a lot of space between them in the middle. It's known as a column layout plan when it shows how many columns and where they should be placed on the page.

For a Structure, it is very important to think about how the columns are going to be placed. The distance between two reinforced columns ranges from 3-4 m for small buildings to 6-9 m for large facilities that need a lot of columns and free space, but it can be even longer. To build simple structures, a distance of 5 metres is ideal. The maximum span is 7.5 metres, and the minimum is 2.5 metres.

How to determine the position of the column?

There are some basic rules for where columns should be placed. Among them: Columns should be placed at the corners of the building and where beams meet. Place them so the beams don't bend as much. When you think about how many floors there are and how far apart the columns are from each other, you can figure out the size of the columns.

230x230mm for a single storey/ground floor/G+0 residential building, 300x300mm for a G+1 building, 300x380mm for a G+3 building, and 300x380mm for a G+4 building.

What should be the maximum spacing between the columns?

There can be no more than 24 feet between two columns. Because 1 metre is about 3. feet, this means that there must be at least 5 to 7 feet between two columns. It is used in a lift wall, a shaft wall, or to give a lot of space to a big barrier.&#;

What is the standard size of a column?

An RCC column should be at least 9 inches wide and 9 inches tall. It should have 4 bars of 12mm Fe500 steel, m20 concrete, and stirrups of T8@6 inches C/C. RCC columns should be 9 inches by 12 inches (230mm x 300mm) for a ground-floor home.

When you think about how many floors there are and how far apart the columns are from each other, you can figure out the size of the columns. 230x230mm for a single storey/ground floor/G+0 residential building, 300x300mm for a G+1 building, 300x380mm for a G+3 building, and 300x380mm for a G+4 building.

In order to make columns, you can use formwork on all four sides or formwork on two sides and blocks on the other two. Columns must be at least 8 x 8 in order to be made. Bars with 14 stirrups spaced 6 apart should be the minimum amount of column reinforcement.

Why RCC columns are preferred?

Columns are important because they carry the weight of the structure, so they need to be strong and stable. It is important to ensure that they are aligned vertically so that the weight is properly transferred to them. The column shuttering should be strong enough to withstand the pressure of new concrete and stay in place while the concrete is being poured in.

Reinforced concrete columns (RCC) are widely used in construction due to their strength and durability. Some of the advantages of RCC columns include:

  1. Strength and durability: RCC columns have high compressive strength and can withstand heavy loads without deformation or failure. They are also resistant to weathering, corrosion, and fire, making them ideal for use in high-rise buildings and other structures.

  2. Versatility: RCC columns can be designed and fabricated to suit a wide range of architectural and engineering requirements. They can be shaped and sized to fit any building design and can be easily customized for specific applications.

  3. Cost-effective: RCC columns are relatively inexpensive to manufacture and install, making them a cost-effective solution for many construction projects. They require minimal maintenance and can last for many years without needing to be replaced.

  4. Energy-efficient: RCC columns have good thermal mass, which helps to regulate indoor temperature and reduce energy consumption. They can also be designed to incorporate insulation materials, further improving energy efficiency.

  5. Fire-resistant: RCC columns have excellent fire resistance properties, as the concrete core acts as a heat sink and prevents the spread of fire.

  6. Sustainable: RCC is a sustainable material that can be made from locally sourced materials, reducing transportation costs and carbon emissions. It is also recyclable, reducing waste and conserving natural resources.

Overall, RCC columns offer numerous advantages over other types of construction materials, making them a popular choice for building designers and engineers.

Innovation in Column Design and Construction

BSB Prefabricated Construction Process caught the attention of the industry when Broad Group built T30, a 30-story hotel building in Changsha, China, in just 15 days with pre-assembled parts. The process starts with a steel structure system that is made in a factory, then it's put together on the job site. Flanges and high-strength bolts are used to connect the construction members. It also has built-in floor slabs, light wallboard, and other prefabricated materials.

It has the advantages of being able to withstand a magnitude-9 earthquake, as well as being five times more energy-efficient than a conventionally built structure. It costs between 10% and 30% less. Conventional construction on the site generates more waste than this process does, but less than 1% of it.

Link to Zolo

This is a clear and new way to think about how tall buildings are built. 'Jeanne Gang,' said Jeanne Gang, who is the chair of the awards jury and is the principal of Studio Gang. A tall building that is built in a different way is interesting, and this is a great place to start for the next step. There is a new carbon-fibre hoisting technology called KONE UltraRope.

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Its weight and bendability make it possible for an elevator to travel twice as far in one shaft &#; up to 1,000 m. (1 km). KONE UltraRope is made up of a carbon fibre core and an epoxy-based high-friction coating. This means that elevator energy consumption and the size of the machine room in high-rise buildings can be cut significantly.

There is less weight on ropes, which means less weight on an elevator moving masses, which is the weight of everything that moves when an elevator goes up or down. This includes the hoisting ropes, compensating ropes, counterweight, elevator car, and passenger load. This means that right now, elevators can only reach a single-shaft height of 500 metres.

At that point, the weight and thickness of the steel rope make it too difficult to go any higher. With UltraRope, elevators can go up to 1,000 metres without having to stop at a transfer station.  This is the first time we've made progress on one of the holy grails of tall buildings: the height to which a single elevator could go before the weight of the steel rope became too much for it to handle. 

An awards juror and the head of the CTBUH said that. Not at all. So, it isn't an overstatement to say that it's going to change the world. However, it's not just the ability to reach higher heights that is beneficial. Greater energy and material efficiency are also important.

Innovative Columns in High-Rise Buildings

There are many innovative columns that can be used in high-rise buildings to improve their structural performance, safety, and aesthetic appeal. Here are some examples:

Composite columns:

Composite columns are made by combining two or more materials, such as concrete and steel, to create a column with superior strength and durability. These columns are often used in high-rise buildings because they can support a lot of weight without being too bulky.

Truss columns:

Truss columns are made of steel and are designed to support a building's weight while also allowing for more open space in the building's interior. These columns can be used in buildings with large atriums or open spaces.

V-shaped columns:

V-shaped columns are designed to resist lateral forces, such as wind or earthquakes. These columns are shaped like a V, with the wider end at the base and the narrower end at the top. This shape allows the column to absorb and dissipate lateral forces more efficiently.

Diagrid columns:

Diagrid columns are made of steel and are designed to support a building's weight while also providing a decorative element. These columns consist of a series of diagonal members that create a lattice-like structure.

Glass columns:

Glass columns can be used in buildings to provide a unique aesthetic element. These columns are made of tempered glass and can be illuminated from within to create a dramatic effect.

3D printed columns:

3D printing technology has made it possible to create complex shapes and designs for building components, including columns. 3D-printed columns can be made of various materials, including concrete and steel, and can be customized to meet the specific needs of a building.

Overall, the choice of innovative columns will depend on the building's specific needs, including structural requirements, aesthetic preferences, and cost considerations.

I hope the blog provides you with a sound understanding of the Column Layout for Residential Building and its associated features.


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Founder at, Pooja is an Entrepreneur unlocking human potential. Working in the Principles of Lean Start-up, Pooja believes in Transparency and User Happiness the most. Pooja&#;s background in teaching gives her a sophisticated grasp on even the most tedious aspect of course building. She is passionate about people who believe that good is not enough.

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