Demand for Frac Sand and Concrete Drives Scarcity

06 May.,2024


Demand for Frac Sand and Concrete Drives Scarcity

Despite appearances, we are running out of sand. While that might seem farfetched–sand is seemingly everywhere–there is not only a thriving international trade in the commodity, but it’s the second-most heavily exploited natural resource after water and, by volume, the most heavily extracted solid material in the world.

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Like any commodity, sand requires uniformity. Uniform sand, or "aggregate," includes gravel, crushed stone and concrete, each of which has unique applications. Specialty sands, with a high concentration of silica and oxygen, also exist for industries such as golf, volleyball, sports fields, and playgrounds, as well as retail and technical services. Each has unique shape, size, hardness and color specifications.

Key Takeaways

  • Sand is the second most-heavily exploited natural resource in the world after water, subject to broad international demand and a thriving global trade.
  • Uniform, or aggregate sand—that includes gravel, crushed stone and concrete—is used for building roads, parking lots, homes, buildings and landscapes.
  • Specialty sand is used for golf, volleyball, sports fields, playgrounds, and other surfaces. Large quantities of sand are used in hydraulic fracturing as well.
  • However, the commodity's supply is dwindling, as it is being extracted much faster than it can possibly be renewed, creating the risk of a global shortage.
  • For a savvy investor, the scarcity translates to price appreciation, which could make it a good buy, depending on how it's approached.
  • Investors can't buy or sell sand futures, like they can with other commodities, but they can invest in companies that are connected with sand production.

From Playgrounds to Fracking Wells

Sand is formed by erosive processes over thousands of years and, according to a UN Environmental Program (UNEP) report, is being extracted far more quickly than it can be renewed. According to the United States Geological Survey, the U.S. imports only about 0.5% of the total sand that it uses. However, countries like China (13.1%) and Canada (9.42%) import significantly larger quantities of the world's sand imports. Sand's scarcity translates to price appreciation, which makes investing in sand compelling.

The U.S. Geological Survey reports that the price of sand and gravel has increased dramatically in the United States, from $3.96 per ton in 1991 to $9.90 in 2021. Specialty sands generate even higher prices: frac sand is used in the process of extracting oil through hydraulic fracturing. According to Rytsad Energy, costs in 2022 have skyrocketed nearly 185% higher than the previous year, between $40–$45 per tonne, due to import constraints on Russia because of the war in Ukraine.

But investing in sand is challenging. Sand’s weight relative to its value makes it expensive and challenging to move and store. Investors are also unable to buy or sell futures contracts tied to sand, as they would with other commodities, such as soybeans or oil. As a result, investors interested in deepening their exposure to sand need to look to equity in companies associated with sand production. 

Fueling Construction Growth

Conservative estimates in 2022 place world sand consumption in excess of 50 billion tonnes a year, according to UNEP. That number is twice that of the annual amount of sediment carried by all of the rivers of the world, which means that mankind is the largest transforming agent in the world with respect to aggregates. Demand is asymmetric: increasing demand is predominantly tied to urban growth in Asia, though it is worth noting that information on global sand consumption, particularly in emerging and frontier markets, is scarce.

Aggregate is the main constituent of both concrete and asphalt. It is also the primary foundation for building roads, parking lots and runways, homes, buildings and landscapes. For each cubic meter of cement used, the construction industry needs about 150 liters of water, 250kg of cement, and 1,900kg or sand and gravel.

In 2022, according to the Global Cement and Concrete Association, China produces 52% of the world's cement, followed by India (6.2%) and the European Union (5.3%). Global cement production is expected to increase from 5.17 BMT in 2020 to 6.08 BMT by 2026.

Frac Sand Boom and Bust

Energy Exploration and Production (E&P) also consumes vast quantities of sand, mostly due to its use as a primary proppant in hydraulic fracturing. Proppants are mixed with a liquid to keep fracking wells open and facilitate the removal of oil and natural gas. For scale, individual fracking wells often use seven million pounds of sand, with some requiring up to three times as much. Wells have grown longer and wider since modern-day hydraulic fracking came about in the 1990s.

Frac sand suppliers are highly fragmented, with some 50 producers globally. In addition to energy producers themselves, frac sand suppliers were among the hardest hit by the shale oil bust beginning mid-2014, as drilling activity plummeted.  Major oil and gas producers saw their market halve, but the carnage among sand suppliers was worse. With the steep decline in rig counts, sand suppliers like Emerge Energy Services (EMES) and Hi-Crush Partners (HCLP) saw their stock prices depreciate drastically from their 2014 highs.

But by 2016, the U.S. frac sand market heated up, even as oil prices remained depressed, due to the increasing size of wells. Producers also increased the number of fractured stages per well, which fueled a boom in the amount of sand used to drill. As U.S. crude continues to recover in price, coupled with high demand for U.S. natural gas, frac sand demand should continue to surge. 

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Among those producers that are publicly traded, is U.S. Silica Holdings (SLCA) the largest pure-play fracking sand provider. Bison Merger Sub I (FMSA) also has a significant business for mining and quarrying nonmetallic minerals. Hi-Crush Partners and Emerge Energy Services are structured as master limited partnerships. EOG Resources (EOG) is a large producer but uses all of the sand it mines in its own wells.

The barriers to entry for frac sand producers are high. Not only does it take time, expertise and capital to build a new mine, but it’s also difficult to time the market exactly. Furthermore, there can be supply limitations due to infrastructure or shipping constraints.

Environmental issues are also a concern. Sand extraction lowers water tables and decreases sediment supply, resulting in the destruction of ecosystems like fisheries. Sand extraction has also been linked to inland and coastal land loss, water contamination, and river embankment and coastal infrastructure damage. 

Limits on Infrastructure Development 

Furthermore, the planned expansion of infrastructure in many parts of the world is more ambitious than had previously been estimated. India's current more than $52 billion building boom making has placed sand in such high demand that illegal mining has engendered a sand mafia. In October 2017, Saudi Arabia, which already made headlines for importing sand despite its desert locale, announced a plan to build Neom, a $500 billion mega-city spanning 10,230 square miles.

Sand mining and dredging have been largely ignored by policymakers. But as climate change's ramifications on coastal cities become more evident, this too will likely change. Today, in the U.S., the fastest-growing use of sand includes fortifying shorelines eroded from rising sea levels and increasingly powerful ocean storms, particularly after recent powerful hurricanes. Inland uses include temporary sand dams and sandbag installations to protect residents and property from surging lakes and rivers, as well as mudslides, like those that impacted California in 2018.

While sand substitutes exist, they are expensive. Increasingly, producers have begun to turn to recycled asphalt and cement, although comparative usage is quite small.

In addition to producers, investors looking to make a play on sand could look into dredging companies and dredging/blasting equipment manufacturers, given recent advancements in robotic crushing technologies. For investors concerned about the long-term effects of a sand shortage, glassmakers (windows, glassware and cell phone screens), water filtration, septic systems, swimming pools, solar panels, and wind turbine manufacturers all rely on the material. Sand is used in the railroad industry, as well as for molds in foundries that make everything from airplane and cruise missile parts to artificial hips.

Washed Silica Sand Market by Type (Concrete ...

Silica sand is a naturally occurring mineral that is often used in construction for its durability and structural integrity. However, not all silica sand is created equal. Washed silica sand, in particular, offers several advantages over regular silica sand when it comes to construction projects. In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of using washed silica sand in construction and why it's a smart choice for builders and contractors.

Improved Quality Control:

One of the key benefits of using washed silica sand is that it's been thoroughly cleaned and processed to remove impurities and contaminants. This means that builders and contractors can count on a consistent level of quality and purity that can be challenging to achieve with regular silica sand. Using washed silica sand can help ensure that your construction projects are up to code and meet all necessary safety and health regulations.

Increased Durability:

Because washed silica sand is cleaner and purer than regular silica sand, it's more resistant to environmental factors such as erosion, weathering, and degradation. This increased durability can lead to longer-lasting structures that require less maintenance and repair over time. It's an ideal choice for projects that require high levels of structural integrity and long-term durability.

Improved Workability:

Washed silica sand can also offer better workability and handling characteristics than regular silica sand, making it easier to mix and apply in construction projects. It has a more consistent particle size and shape, which can lead to improved flow and cohesion during the mixing and application process. This can make it easier and quicker to complete construction projects, saving time and money in the process.


While washed silica sand may have a slightly higher initial cost than regular silica sand, it can actually be more cost-effective in the long run. Because it offers improved durability and requires less maintenance and repair, it can help builders and contractors save money on maintenance costs and avoid costly replacements down the line. This can make it a smart investment for construction projects of all sizes and types.

Versatile Applications:

Finally, washed silica sand has numerous applications in construction, from concrete and mortar to landscaping and gardening. It's a highly versatile material that can be used in a variety of ways, making it a convenient and cost-effective choice for builders and contractors. Whether it is a large-scale construction project or a small DIY home improvement project, there are many ways to incorporate washed silica sand into your designs.

As the construction industry continues to expand and evolve, builders and contractors are always looking for how to improve the quality and durability of their projects. Washed silica sand offers a unique combination of benefits that make it an excellent choice for construction applications. From improved quality control to increased durability, better workability, and cost-effectiveness, there are many reasons to consider using washed silica sand in your next construction project.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit High Purity Silica Sand.