Guide :: All-In-One Riven Walkthrough

01 Jul.,2024


Guide :: All-In-One Riven Walkthrough

Book Assembly Island

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Reaching Higher Ground

The name of this island may give a clue as to its purpose. For more detail, see: More Lore: What is Book Assembly Island.

Your first destination is the platform stretching out over the little lake. At the end of the platform is a valve with a handle you can rotate. We need that handle to be facing the bottom right (as seen in the picture). This will direct steam to the cylindrical structure behind us (boiler).

We next need to get into that cylindrical structure. To open the door, we need to drain it of water. To do so, head up the first few stairs and left around the building.

Once inside, enter the tunnel. It's dark, but keep moving forward until you emerge. You'll emerge on top of a small cliff. There is a little path to the left. This will take you to a man-made platform. You'll see some doors, but first notice the man-hole cover on the ground. Interact with it to unlock the manhole. This gives us a way to reach the ground below (and back) without having to use the pipe.

Trap Puzzle

Climb down the ladder and return to the valve on the lake. Turn the handle to the right one space (where it was originally). This will power the area in the cliffs. Return to the ladder and climb up. Finally, open the double doors and enter. Head inside and along the little path to a weird contraption. It may seem useless now, but it gives information for a much larger puzzle later.

Open the trap and place a pebble (bait) in the center. Use the the lever to lower it. Move several screens away and come back. Use the lever again to raise the now-closed trap. Examine the contents.

Make a note of what this creature sounds like, which should be familiar.

Reaching Gehn's Office

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From the trap, look directly up. Notice that there is a vent with a spinning fan. We want to be in that vent. This next step took my eleven-year-old self almost a week to figure out back in . Go back to the double doors, but do not go through. Instead, close them, revealing two hidden passages. (You will see this trick a few more times throughout the game.) If you're wondering how you'd know to close these doors, from the platform outside, there is a walkway that seems to emerge from the area we can't reach. This is how.

We're going to make a quick detour. Take the left path. You'll come to another spinning dome. However, there does not appear to be a viewer to stop it. You may notice a hole in a wall housing the viewer. To get to it, apply the trick we just learned. Go to the door you went through and close it to reveal a secret path. Use the viewer to stop the dome and note the symbol it lands on (and where you found it).

Take the right path to a walkway. Gehn's office is in the distance, but the door will be locked. Along the path on the right is a lever for you to pull. Doing this will shut off the fan in the vent. Return to the trap and crawl into the vent. You will reach Gehn's office from this vent.

Gehn's Office

The first object of note will be another eye-ball. Rotate it to see its symbol. This one will not make a sound because Gehn had it removed. However, he gives us a little clue in the letter next to the ball. It was found in the water in the bay.

Next to the ball is one of Gehn's journal's. There is one very important thing to discover in the journal - a code for the spinning domes that are scattered around Riven. but the codes are randomized. You need to find the code and use your numeral translations from the school to get the five-digit code. (If you need help deciphering your code, refer to the section of this guide: Jungle Island Part 2: Going to School.) For example, the code for my playthrough is 10, 12, 20, 21, 24. We will not be using this code until we are ready. So, write it down for later.

For a summary of what is in the journal, see: More Lore: Gehn's Office Journal

The Gold Dome

That's all we need for Gehn's office. There is a blue button that will summon a mag-lev. Make sure to press it. Now, exit through the left door. (This will unlock the door and allow easier re-entry.) Turn right down the path to the gold dome on Temple Island. You'll come to an incline as seen on the right. Pull the lever to lower the inclined walkway and allow passage. (If the lever doesn't work, it is not powered. You power it back on Temple Island. You'll need to backtrack all the way there. See this guide's section Temple Island: The Rotating Room and Temple Island: Flipping Some Valves for Later.)

The first thing we we'll do is take the first left you come to. Step outside to find that the walkway is missing a piece. Turn around and face the doorway to the gold dome. There should be a button on the right just begging to be pressed. Do so to make the path whole. At the end of the path is a closed door with a sliding handle on the side.

Pressing the button will send you down to a secret little path. Up the stairs is another spinning dome. Use the view finder to stop the dome. Write down the symbol it lands on. Return to the elevator and back into the gold dome. Once up the stairs, there will be a path to the right, which is a bridge back to the rotating room on Temple Island. Do not cross the bridge. Instead, on the right of the doorway is a lever for you to pull. This will cause the bridge to turn into a set of stairs, accessible via the rotating room.

The name of this island may give a clue as to its purpose. For more detail, see: Your first destination is the platform stretching out over the little lake. At the end of the platform is a valve with a handle you can rotate. We need that handle to be facing the bottom right (as seen in the picture). This will direct steam to the cylindrical structure behind us (boiler).We next need to get into that cylindrical structure. To open the door, we need to drain it of water. To do so, head up the first few stairs and left around the building. You'll come to an area with some levers and a wheel. First, pull the lever on the far right from horizontal to vertical. This will lower the temperature of the water (stop it from boiling). Next, rotate the wheel. This will drain the water. Lastly, we need to raise a platform. Turn left, to see a small lever. Switch it so that power flows along the other pipe. Turn back right and push the last handle up to make the platform raise. You are now free to open the door into this structure. Once inside, enter the tunnel. It's dark, but keep moving forward until you emerge. You'll emerge on top of a small cliff. There is a little path to the left. This will take you to a man-made platform. You'll see some doors, but first notice the man-hole cover on the ground. Interact with it to unlock the manhole. This gives us a way to reach the ground below (and back) without having to use the pipe.Climb down the ladder and return to the valve on the lake. Turn the handle to the right one space (where it was originally). This will power the area in the cliffs. Return to the ladder and climb up. Finally, open the double doors and enter. Head inside and along the little path to a weird contraption. It may seem useless now, but it gives information for a much larger puzzle later.Make a note of what this creature sounds like, which should be familiar. From the trap, look directly up. Notice that there is a vent with a spinning fan. We want to be in that vent. This next step took my eleven-year-old self almost a week to figure out back in . Go back to the double doors, but do not go through. Instead, close them, revealing two hidden passages. (You will see this trick a few more times throughout the game.) If you're wondering how you'd know to close these doors, from the platform outside, there is a walkway that seems to emerge from the area we can't reach. This is how.We're going to make a quick detour. Take the left path. You'll come to another spinning dome. However, there does not appear to be a viewer to stop it. You may notice a hole in a wall housing the viewer. To get to it, apply the trick we just learned. Go to the door you went through and close it to reveal a secret path. Use the viewer to stop the dome and note the symbol it lands on (and where you found it). Take the right path to a walkway. Gehn's office is in the distance, but the door will be locked. Along the path on the right is a lever for you to pull. Doing this will shut off the fan in the vent. Return to the trap and crawl into the vent. You will reach Gehn's office from this vent. The first object of note will be another eye-ball. Rotate it to see its symbol. This one will not make a sound because Gehn had it removed. However, he gives us a little clue in the letter next to the ball. It was found in the water in the bay.Next to the ball is one of Gehn's journal's. There is one very important thing to discover in the journal - a code for the spinning domes that are scattered around Riven. I've posted a photo of one such code,. You need to find the code and use your numeral translations from the school to get the five-digit code. (If you need help deciphering your code, refer to the section of this guide:.) For example, the code foris 10, 12, 20, 21, 24. We will not be using this code until we are ready. So, write it down for later.For a summary of what is in the journal, see: That's all we need for Gehn's office. There is a blue button that will summon a mag-lev. Make sure to press it. Now, exit through the left door. (This will unlock the door and allow easier re-entry.) Turn right down the path to the gold dome on Temple Island. You'll come to an incline as seen on the right. Pull the lever to lower the inclined walkway and allow passage. (and.)The first thing we we'll do is take the first left you come to. Step outside to find that the walkway is missing a piece. Turn around and face the doorway to the gold dome. There should be a button on the right just begging to be pressed. Do so to make the path whole. At the end of the path is a closed door with a sliding handle on the side. This will open up the final gate attached to the rotating room. Return to the gold dome and head left. You'll find a wheel on your left you can turn. Doing so will extend a bridge, connecting us to the area of the gold dome we were in near the beginning of the game. Move along this path straight all the way outside and past the pipes/valve that power the movable walkway. Stop just short of the dark tunnel to the second valve. On the right will be a button that is now press-able. (If the button is not press-able, you need to raise the platform to complete the path above you. (See the beginning of this paragraph.) Pressing the button will send you down to a secret little path. Up the stairs is another spinning dome. Use the view finder to stop the dome. Write down the symbol it lands on. Return to the elevator and back into the gold dome. Once up the stairs, there will be a path to the right, which is a bridge back to the rotating room on Temple Island. Do not cross the bridge. Instead, on the right of the doorway is a lever for you to pull. This will cause the bridge to turn into a set of stairs, accessible via the rotating room. We'll need this later. (If the lever doesn't do anything, it needs to be powered. Return to the area outside we were just at and make sure the values are in the right position.)

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