Mica Powders-anybody tried this?

22 Jul.,2024


Mica Powders-anybody tried this?

Boy I go get some flights in and you boys are in a donnybrook!   Charles I know you can do some impressive work in vinyl.  I've been screwing up my own stuff for a long while now and will continue to do so.....Thanks!
I had a rough time on a couple old nostalgia combat ships I built over the winter and covered in silk.  I tried Certified tautening and Sig Supercoat but it took MANY coats to get the silk to pull up tight.  They still have some dimples.  When my son in law was ready to cover his new profile I suggested he should cover it in silk and I'd show him how to use it.  (Little did he know I wanted to experiment with the Randolph tautening on HIS airplane!)  As it turned out his FIRST silk job looked better than anything I have done in silk.  The Randolph works like magic.  My new ship will have the Randolph clear, Sig colors and Certified top clear.....
Mike you and Bill both have lifetime supplies.  You should re-bottle it in four ounce jars and sell it!  Bill I remember from days of old about butyrate OVER nitrate and never the other way.  I'd prefer to use Butyrate on the bare wood from the beginning for fuel proofing but it is what it is....think I see a lot of silking in my future.  Lauri I have always had at least some issues getting anything metallic through my airbrush.  It usually has to be almost too thin and yet I still have to stop and flush it out pretty often.  I have found a heavy dose of retarder seems to help .


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Mica Powder in Epoxy Topcoats - Lure Building - SurfTalk

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