What is PCR Plastic & Pros and Cons of PCR Packaging

08 Jul.,2024


What is PCR Plastic & Pros and Cons of PCR Packaging

Packaging has always been a vital factor to consider in the cosmetics industry. For a long time now, PCR recycled plastic has been the pick of many cosmetic companies, due to its high level of applications. 

If you want to learn more, please visit our website EcoPlas.

In this article, we&#;ll look into the pros and cons, and modes of application of PCR plastic. We&#;ll also clue you in on places you can find PCR packaging. Read on. 

What is PCR Plastic

PCR plastic is the latest packaging innovation that is now widely used across many industries, including the cosmetic industry. Not surprisingly, PCR plastic manufacture involves a meticulous process which we&#;ll cover below. 

Definition of PCR Plastic (Post-Consumer Recycled Plastic)

PCR&#;which is short for post-consumer resin&#; is an environmentally friendly material made from recycled plastics. These recycled plastics are mostly PET AND HDPE plastic products. 

Composition and Fabrication Process of PCR Plastic

Although the composition and fabrication process of PCR plastic is meticulous, it isn&#;t complicated. After consumers have used plastics and disposed of them, PCR recycling plants pick out these plastics and sort these bottles according to their plastic type. 

As mentioned earlier, the most common plastics are PET and HDPE. When these plastics are categorized, they are typically broken down into resin pellets. The PCR recycling plants then reheat these pellets and remold them into a new product. 

PCR plastic could be added in percentages to virgin plastic, or it could be used to fully make a new plastic product. However, it is important to note that the higher the PCR percentage, the less transparent it will be. In fact, many companies refrain from using 100% PCR to manufacture their packaging products in order to maintain the virgin resin look. 

Common Applications of PCR Plastics

PCR plastics are used to create packaging materials and consumer products, and are frequently used in the building and construction industry. Let&#;s take a look at these modes of application.

Packaging Materials

Many packaging companies are choosing to incorporate a particular percentage of PCR into their virgin plastic products. An example of this is the recycled cosmetic bottle produced by Cosmopacks. These sturdy PCR plastic bottles are just as durable and have as much quality as virgin plastic bottles.

That said, you can use PCR plastic to make bottles, containers, and jars. films, and trays. By using this material, the production of new plastic products will be significantly reduced.

Consumer Products

Asides from PCR plastic bottles, this environmentally-friendly material can be used to create various consumer products. Some of these products include cleaning products, office supplies such as pens, and electronics such as the casing for wires. 

Additionally, PCR cosmetic packaging and toiletry companies have now found ways to incorporate this material into several products and packaging options. PCR can even be used for manufacturing particular types of clothing!

Building and Construction

Due to the requirements of the building and construction industry, much plastic is needed on a daily basis. Flooring, drainage, roofing, and decking processes all involve the use of various types of plastics.

Currently, you can find PCR plastics being used to make pipes for drainage. They are also used for plastic roofing tiles and insulating materials in the construction of buildings.

What Are the Pros of PCR Packaging

PCR packaging undoubtedly has lots of advantages, both to companies and the environment. Some of these include environmental sustainability, conservation of resources, regulatory compliance with the involved bodies, cost efficiency, and the development of a positive brand image. Here are these advantages in better detail. 

Environmental Sustainability

Presently, over 3.2 billion people are affected by land pollution, and the abundance of plastic products is a significant factor contributing to that. Polluted lands often lose their agricultural value, and, in extreme cases, become uninhabitable.

Fortunately, the PCR material helps to preserve the environment&#;s health and reduce the amount of waste being dumped at landfills. Engaging in constant PCR recycling, it&#;ll help our planet to maintain an ecological balance and protect the well-being of generations to come. 

Conservation of Resources

Rather than using new plastic material each time you want to make a product, PCR material offers you the ability to conserve a lot of resources. These resources can be put to use elsewhere and will aid the conservation of resources for generations to come. 

Positive Brand Image

Nowadays, consumers frown upon and shun products that contain a high amount of virgin plastic. Environmentally conscious consumers now look for the nose eco-friendly products on the market. By using PCR cosmetic packaging, your brand and products will appeal to these audiences, and position you as a brand who cares about the well-being of the planet. 

Cosmopacks have several products that are extremely eco-friendly, and some of these include PCR plastic bottles, jars, and tubes, ready for any brand&#;s use and customization.

Regulatory Compliance

Due to the high level of land pollution on the planet, several regulatory bodies have put policies in place to prevent the continued production of abundant plastic waste. 

Luckily, using PCR plastic products from packaging companies like Cosmopacks ensures you stay well within compliance with these policies. Using this material keeps you on the right side of the law and prevents you from attracting unnecessary penalties and fines. 

Cost Efficiency

Lastly, using PCR, rather than virgin plastic, helps you save lots of money on production and packaging. This saved-up money can be redirected towards other parts of the business, fostering faster growth and development.

When manufactured expertly, this PCR recycled plastic material is often as durable and sturdy as its virgin plastic counterpart. 

What Are the Cons of PCR Packaging

Although there are lots of benefits to using PCR, there are a few drawbacks. These are its limited supply and quality inconsistencies. Let&#;s look at these.

Limited Supply

As helpful as this material is, it can only be created with the presence of PCR-recycled plastic. If you&#;re a large company with lots of orders to fulfill daily, this material might not be sufficient. It&#;s much more common to find virgin plastics than PCR plastics.

However, if you&#;re a small business focused on eco-friendliness, limited supply shouldn&#;t be a problem. 

Quality and Performance Limitations

As mentioned earlier, PCR plastics don&#;t exhibit the same physical appearance of purity that virgin plastics do. During the formulation process, there&#;s no telling what color it&#;ll come out in, or how clear the material will be. 

Additionally, its physical properties often vary after manufacture; some might come out sturdy, while others may come out defective. Ultimately, it affects its aesthetics and functionality. Many larger companies choose to stick with virgin plastic materials because of this.

A good cosmetic packaging manufacturing company like Cosmopacks employs standardized production techniques in producing cosmetic packaging. From material selection to the design and final production, our quality control team inspects the products to assure that the best quality products are delivered.

Get High-Quality PCR Cosmetic Packaging from Cosmopacks 

Cosmopacks has some of the best PCR packagings for cosmetics. Besides, all our products comply with the standard safety requirements and regulations.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit pcr plastic pros and cons.

Comply with Safety Standards and Regulations

All PCR cosmetic packaging manufactured by Cosmopacks is done in compliance with the necessary safety regulation, and done to the required standard. You can be sure our cosmetics packaging will have no negative effect on the cosmetics, or on its users.

Source: Cosmpocaks

Various Options for Packaging Customization

Cosmopacks PCR cosmetic packaging can be easily customized to suit different brand requirements. We have transparent and clear options that give cosmetic manufacturers a blank canvas to display their creativity and customize the packaging to taste.


Using PCR plastics has more advantages than disadvantages in cosmetic packaging. Recycling plastic will now only produce a useful product from used plastic, but will save the ecosystem from the imminent danger plastic disposal poses to the environment. 

Cosmopacks offers highly-customizable PCR cosmetic packaging products that are affordable. Using advanced technology, our PCR packaging will give an elegant appeal to your cosmetic product. 

Get in touch with us if you want to get packaging that works for both you and your customers!

Post-Consumer Regrind (PCR) Plastic: Definition, Benefits ...

PCR (Post-Consumer Regrind) plastics are already substantially impacting sustainability. According to the US Plastics Pact:

  • PCR plastic can reduce energy consumption by at least 79%. 
  • Manufacturing products from PCR plastics already saves more electricity than is consumed annually in all of Los Angeles.
  • PCR-based products reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the equivalent of nearly 500,000 cars taken off the road.

With consumers, policymakers, and manufacturers all placing a greater emphasis on sustainability, the growth of PCR plastic usage will continue to accelerate for the foreseeable future.

In this article, we define PCR packaging, highlight its potential benefits, and explain what makes it different from other types of sustainable plastic material. 


What is PCR plastic?

PCR plastic refers to plastic material that has been recycled to make new, more sustainable packaging and other products. Also called &#;Post Consumer Recyclate&#; and &#;Post Consumer Resin,&#; PCR is made from used items that are reground and reprocessed to be reused in safe, cost-effective recycled plastic products. Once reprocessing is completed, PCR plastics may be used in manufacturing like any other polymer resin. We walk through how this process works for thermoformed plastic packaging in our article here.

Because non-recycled plastics (called &#;virgin plastics&#;) are processed from fossil fuels, greater adoption of PCR plastic can help directly reduce carbon emissions. According to the Association of Plastic Recyclers, replacing new plastic with recycled plastic can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 70%. Additionally, every piece of PCR plastic means less plastic waste in our landfills, waterways, and oceans. 

A plastic product may be made entirely or partially from PCR material. Even switching to 10 or 20% PCR can substantially mitigate a product&#;s environmental impact, and a broad range of potential PCR mixes allows businesses to find the optimal mix that enhances sustainability while ensuring a quality end-user experience. The proper grades of PCR plastic can provide equivalent strength, performance, and product protection compared to virgin plastics.

PCR plastic products may be recycled once again after use, effectively allowing PCR material to remove plastic waste and reduce carbon emissions over many cycles of product use. This potential for cyclical reuse is why PCR plastics are an important component of the push for a more circular economy. Because traditional plastics, including PCR, are non-biodegradable, circular recycling is critical for limiting the overall stream of plastic waste.

See our article here for a deeper look at the benefits of eco-friendly food packaging.


What are common PCR materials?

Some of the most commonly used PCR plastic materials include:

  • PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate)
  • PP (Polypropylene Plastic)
  • HDPE (High-Density Polythene)

Recycled grades of these materials are often signified by a lowercase letter &#;r&#; appended to the front of their abbreviation: rPET, rPP, rHDPE. 


Are there important limitations on PCR plastic?

While PCR reprocessing results in a final product that is safe and hygienic for a wide variety of applications, certain high-purity applications, such as medical and pharmaceutical products, preclude the use of PCR materials.

PCR materials may also exhibit different coloring and clarity compared to non-recycled polymers, including flecks and other visual inconsistencies. In some cases, these unique visual characteristics can even be incorporated into the design of products made from PCR plastic. In others, additional processing can help achieve the desired appearance.


How does PCR plastic compare to other types of sustainable plastic?

PCR plastic is not the only variety of plastic materials designed to help mitigate the environmental impact of products/packaging. Other important categories of sustainable plastic include:

  • Post-Industrial Resin (PIR): like PCR plastic, PIR refers to material that has been recycled and reprocessed to reduce waste. Unlike PCR, however, PIR material may have never actually entered the consumer marketplace. Examples include excess material from the supply chain and process waste from manufacturing.
  • Bioplastics: these plastics are manufactured using biomass sources (such as vegetable oils, straw, sawdust, food waste, etc.) rather than fossil fuels. Note that this manufacturing process does not necessarily result in &#;biodegradable&#; plastics (see below).
  • Biodegradable: this material category is designed to break down much more quickly than normal plastics. Most biodegradable plastics require a well-controlled, industrial-grade composting system to ensure a successful decomposition.

Each of these material categories will have valuable and complementary roles to play in reducing plastic waste and energy consumption, supplementing PCR plastic&#;s ability to directly reclaim waste from the consumer marketplace.


Which PCR Plastics are safe to use with food?

Food-grade recycled PET resins are widely available, and options for HDPE and other PCR materials have proliferated rapidly in recent years. 

These PCR plastics are approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for food-contacting applications. FDA-compliant PCR food containers have proven to be a safe solution across a variety of food and beverage product categories.

As with any food-contacting material, proper handling and adherence to FDA guidelines are critical. These considerations must account for nuances including the types of food, intended packaging use case, and the implementation of relevant quality control measures. To assist food packaging makers, the FDA provides case-by-case advice on which processes are suitable for food-contact applications. You can find this guidance here:

Guidance for Industry: Use of Recycled Plastics in Food Packaging


How PCR Plastics Can Help Drive ESG Progress

Plastic products and packaging offer unique benefits for consumers but also create unique challenges for waste management, energy usage, and recycling. PCR materials can help protect core consumer benefits while promoting more environmentally responsible operations.

As organizations seek to advance their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals, more widespread adoption of PCR plastics will be critical for helping businesses demonstrate their commitment to sustainability, project a forward-thinking brand image, and appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.

As consumer awareness and demand for sustainable products continue to grow, the adoption of PCR plastics will only accelerate. In this context, working to incorporate a higher PCR mix is a great way for organizations to proactively invest in a more sustainable future. 

Need help sourcing more sustainable options for plastic packaging? Learn more about Lacerta&#;s commitment to sustainability.

The company is the world’s best Recycled Plastic Products supplier. We are your one-stop shop for all needs. Our staff are highly-specialized and will help you find the product you need.