What to Know About Post-Consumer Recycled (PCR) ...

09 Sep.,2024


What to Know About Post-Consumer Recycled (PCR) ...

If you&#;re like most business owners or managers, you value efficiency in your operations. At the same time, you pay close attention to your target market&#;s values and preferences.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website EcoPlas.

Post-consumer recycled (PCR) packaging can help you satisfy both of these concerns. This type of recycled packaging supports environmental responsibility even as it helps you boost your bottom line by making your brand that much more attractive to today&#;s consumers.

Let&#;s take a look at what PCR packaging is all about, why it helps Planet Earth, and why it makes good business sense.

What is Post-Consumer Recycled Packaging?

Post-consumer recycled packaging involves the incorporation of materials that consumers have already used and discarded in recycling bins, such as paper, plastic, cardboard, and aluminum.

Your local recycling facility collects these materials, separates them by type, and then sells them to companies that melt the plastics down into small pellets. These pellets can then be molded into films of plastic resin that can see fresh use in new packages.

Is PCR Different From Recyclable & Biodegradable?

It&#;s important to understand some of the differences between PCR, recyclable, and biodegradable packaging materials., even though all three of these categories represent environmentally responsible, sustainable options.

By their very definition, recyclable materials can be reprocessed into new, viable products after they have been used. This generally applies to virgin plastics and other materials that have never assumed any previous form. PCR packaging already comes from previously used material; technically, it has already been recycled, so it can&#;t be recycled again.

Biodegradable packaging has one specific property that sets it apart: its ability to break down naturally into non-toxic component substances once consigned to a compost heap.

Compostable biodegradable packaging actually breaks down into water, carbon dioxide, and other base materials as quickly as paper &#; but only if consumers can send it to facilities that can break it down properly. By contrast, PCR packaging has already achieved the goal of sustainability before the consumer even purchases it, with no need for further reprocessing.

What Are the Environmental Advantages of PCR Packaging?

As you might imagine, any kind of packaging that makes use of previously-used materials can have a positive impact on the environment. Post-consumer recycled packaging is no exception. Here are just a few of the environmental advantages of PCR packaging.

  • PCR packaging reduces your company&#;s carbon footprint. If you care about the size of your company&#;s carbon footprint, you&#;ll be delighted to learn that switching from virgin plastics to PCR plastics can reduce that carbon footprint by a stunning 60 percent.
  • PCR packaging means less waste in landfills and water sources. Non-recyclable products create massive landfills that may contain soil toxins. They can also get into rivers and oceans, creating pollution and endangering wildlife. The adoption of PCR packaging can reduce your contribution to this problem.
  • PCR packaging makes better use of petroleum sources. Our planet&#;s supplies of petroleum for plastics are limited. When you choose PCR packaging, you&#;re making those limited resources go farther.

What Are the Business Advantages of PCR Packaging?

In many cases, what&#;s good for the environment is also good for business, especially as awareness over environmental issues continues to grow among the general public. PCR packaging can be just as good for your business as it can for our world. Take the following potential advantages into consideration.

  • PCR packaging appeals to eco-conscious consumers. The more attention consumers pay to issues of sustainability, the more heavily their purchasing decisions hinge on sustainable packaging. In fact, research shows that 70 percent of Millennials prioritize this issue when purchasing products. When you use PCR packaging, you automatically make your brand more appealing to that huge (and lucrative) target audience.
  • PCR packaging keeps plastics in play. Consumers who care about the environment may automatically look down on plastic packaging as irresponsible or wasteful. Plastics made from PCR materials allow you to use this practical, attractive form of packaging without the negative stigma that might otherwise be attached to it.
  • PCR packaging is high-quality packaging. All the environmental responsibility in the world won&#;t make a difference to your sales or your brand appeal if the packaging itself is substandard. Thankfully, PCR packaging can look just as nice and provide just as much protection for its contents (including protection against moisture, UV, and oxygen) as more wasteful packaging products.

Why Choose Copious Bags for Your PCR Packaging Needs?

Now that you understand the value and benefits of PCR packaging, you have more reason than ever to use Copious Bags as your source for flexible packaging.

We&#;re proud to feature PCR materials in our line of stand up pouches (we can also provide you with frosted and clear pouches made from 100-percent recyclable plastics).

Are you interested in learning more about Is PCR Plastic Recyclable? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!

The fact that our pouches are resealable and reusable by consumers makes them even more valuable in terms of sustainability.

Browse our range of elegant, airtight, cost-effective stand up bags today &#; and discover just how smart a choice Copious Bags can prove for your business!

What Are PCR Plastics And How Are They Used?

Post-consumer resin (PCR) is an environmentally-friendly packaging option that many manufacturers are using in support of recycling programs, consumer demand, and to reduce their impact on landfills.

PCR plastics are the recycled materials from existing PET bottles and other plastics. These materials are recycled into other packaging materials through community recycling programs. With an estimated 30 billion bottles of water being sold every year across the United States, there is a serious need for increasing the usage of PCR materials to make new products

How is PCR used?

In some cases, plastics can&#;t be recycled into new bottles without first adding new raw materials because the plastics may not be strong enough to make the new container. But there are newer, more innovative ways to create new, clear-looking plastic bottles without using virgin materials.

Several bottle manufacturers are able to incorporate recycled PET and HDPE plastics that are available through recycling programs in the form of PCR. Plastics are cleaned and turned into pellets before being reprocessed into food-safe, FDA-approved plastic bottles.

Weak plastics can also be downcycled into other forms of plastic packaging, still saving the environment from harmful plastic refuse.

What are the benefits of PCR?

PCR plastic is made from plastic we already have and it&#;s both cost-effective and environmentally friendly. By using what we already struggle to get rid of to protect the planet, manufacturers gain an affordable option for their packaging.

Reprocessing existing plastics uses less energy and fossil fuels. Overall, the environment is saved from excess pollution and wasted resources while manufacturers are still able to produce a viable, durable new plastic bottle.

PCR is also a readily available material, with plenty of opportunities to improve community recycling programs while providing a steady supply of recycled products.

Who is Using PCR Plastics?

The Association of Plastic Recyclers has been working diligently to increase demand for PCR plastics across North America. They have launched an initiative to encourage product manufacturers to use more PCR in their bottling and packaging supplies.

These companies are leading the way towards increased demand for PCR and helping to ensure future use of recycled materials in a number of different products.

To learn more about PCR use and availability, speak with an O.Berk packaging specialist to discuss cost-effective options for plastic bottles and containers. Our experienced team is dedicated to helping you find the most effective packaging solutions for your manufacturing operation. They can also provide you with additional information on sustainable, responsible packaging alternatives.

For more pcr plastic pros and consinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.