Buying Paving | Pavingexpert

06 May.,2024


Buying Paving | Pavingexpert

There are all sorts of ways to buy paving, and all sorts of characters eager to help lighten your wallet, but as with any other commodity, there are good suppliers and there are bad. More than that: there are great suppliers and there are thieving, good-for-nothing, lowlife, scumbag rogues. Thankfully, there are more of the former and the number of the latter is being constantly reduced by the efforts of good contractors "spreading the word" and Trading Standards offices closing down the worst offenders.

Goto CHENGXINRUN to know more.

One of the most frequent questions submitted to the website is to ask for a recommendation of a good supplier. However, unless I was able to constantly travel the length and breadth of these islands, I wouldn't have any chance of keeping up-to-date with who has what, who is providing a better range of products and materials, who can offer a better standard of service, and who the contractors themselves are using.

For those areas beyond my immediate reach, I rely to a great extent on feedback from the legions of contractors using this website ; they always know the best place in town, and they usually know who to avoid. It's not uncommon to find that many paving and hard landscaping specialists in a particular area all seem to use the same supplier, or, in larger towns, cities and conurbations, there is a select band of suppliers for the various materials and tools required in our trade.

Many of these contractors learn who's who and what's what in two ways: personal experience and word-of-mouth. If a particular supplier offers a good standard of service, or goes the extra kilometre to get a particular product that's been requested, the contractor is likely to go back, time and time again, but if they find a supplier is churlish, is repeatedly out of stock, is always half-a-day behind with deliveries, is not interested in getting hold of a few metres of summat different, then they will soon transfer their custom elsewhere. And despite the inevitable rivalry between local contractors, they do talk, and news of a slack supplier, of sub-standard or "knock-off" goods, of "cash deals" and the like, spreads like wildfire.

What makes a good supplier?

  • Breadth of stock
  • Depth of knowledge
  • Display area
  • Specialisation
  • Competitive pricing
  • Delivery
  • After-sales care

Breadth of stock:

The good supplier will have a wide range of stock rather than be tied to a single manufacturer. If it's known in advance that a specific paving is to be used on a particular project, then it may be that a tied-distributor (which usually means one of the large national Builders' Merchant/Provider or DIY Shed) can offer the keenest price, due to economies of scale, but when a wider overview of products is required, it is usually one of the smaller local or regional distributors that will offer the best all-round value.

Many smaller, independent Merchants/Providers have started to specialise in hard-landscaping to resist the domination of the market by the handful of powerful nationals, and they manage to stay in business by offering a better level of service and a wider range of products. Instead of offering the one tumbled block from such-and-such a manufacturer, as is often the case with the "Nationals", small independents are more likely to offer tumbled blocks from two, three or more manufacturers.

Look for a supplier with a good range of stock

This provides a much wider choice of sizes and colours, but it also offers a range of prices and qualities, from the cheaper budget products to the top-of-the-range prestige items. Such a wealth of product makes it easier to buy, say, a Bradstone kerb unit, with a Marshalls' Tumbled block edge course and Brett textured paving for the body of the pavement. Such a mix is unlikely to be available from a National.

Depth of knowledge:

This facility to choose, to mix and match, and to gain a more comprehensive overview of the market can be a great boon to both contractors and DIYers alike. A good supplier will have an in-depth knowledge of a range of paving products, as well as peripheral items. They should also be able to offer sound advice on suitability, basic laying techniques, design considerations and drainage. The good supplier is interested in helping you find the right products, and not necessarily those that offer the biggest profit.

Display area:

One of the ways that online suppliers or discount dealers save money is by minimising or even eliminating the money they have to spend on stocking paving and hard-landscaping materials.

And if they can avoid giving yard space over to a display area, that allows the price-obsessed yards to cram in as much other stuff as possible.

The better suppliers will understand the value of a display area, even if it's only 10-20m² with just a couple of samples of each of the main types of materials they stock.

This allows customers to see the paving, walling, aggregate or whatever in natural daylight, and to judge how it has fared in the outdoors.

The very best suppliers, the ones that take their role in supplying better-than-average quality and range will often have a better-than-average display area, showing off a wide mix of materials and ideas in ways that will inspire and persuade the customer to spend the budget with this supplier.


Some suppliers have chosen to specialise in one particular aspect of the hard-landscaping supply industry, and so there are a number of suppliers dedicated solely to providing, say, imported stone paving, or drainage, or concrete block paving.

In many cases, these specialists can offer a better level of service than a typical "all-rounder" Builders' Merchant/Provider, but it's important to understand that some stockists are forced to offer a limited range of stock because they are 'dabblers', rather than quality suppliers. Many small Garden Centres will sell a limited range of stone paving because it offers a reasonable profit margin rather than because they wish to be regarded as stone paving supply specialists.

Competitive pricing:

Cheapest is not always the best deal, but that doesn't mean that paying "over the odds" is a guarantee of better products or better service. However, the better suppliers are usually aware of the prices being charged by their immediate competitors and they will look to at least match, if not better, the 'typical' price in their area. However, when comparing prices, it's important to factor-in other considerations, not least of which is delivery.


Some suppliers will offer free delivery, while others will charge. Some suppliers offer free crane off-loading, while others expect you to provide machinery and/or manpower to unload the wagon.

Most suppliers try to offer a rough estimate of delivery schedule, such as morning or afternoon, but due to the traffic problems, difficulties in accessing or unloading at previous "drops", almost no-one is able to specify delivery at a precise time (the only notable exception is pre-booked delivery of perishable goods such as ready mixed concrete and bitmac products). It's no use throwing your toys out of the pram because the supplier can't promise your sand will be with you at precisely 11:15am on Thursday morning. We live in an imperfect world.

However, make sure the terms and conditions of delivery are clear and understood before agreeing a purchase. If you need materials to be delivered 'off-road', then ensure the supplier knows this and agrees beforehand - there's nowt worse than being faced with 20 tonnes of sub-base and some stroppy driver who point blank refuses to leave the main road and back the wagon across your field.

After-sales Care:

For most hard-landscaping products, after-sales is largely unnecessary, or at least it should be, but there are always exceptions. If you order too many blocks for the driveway, what's the re-stocking policy of the supplier? Most Merchants/Providers will charge 15-25% to take back excess materials. What about if damaged goods are delivered? How easy will it be to get replacements? Will the supplier get replacement products out to you the same day or will you be expected to wait at their convenience? If it's a defective product, does the supplier have a good relationship with the manufacturer and will they be able to get a Rep out to you immediately? If you find yourself five square metres short of sandstone flags, will the supplier have them in stock for immediate collection or will you have to make a special order?

What doesn't always ensure a good supplier:

Cheap prices:

Why are they offering cheap prices? What corners have been cut? Are they "seconds"? Is there a catch? There are some suppliers that use their enormous buying power to pass on cheaper prices to the customer, and there are some suppliers that buy-up end-of-line products for sale at a discount. If the price seems suspiciously cheap, ask why: are the products returns? Seconds? Overbakes? Trials? There are bargains to be had, but it pays to check just why they're being offered at a bargain price.

Special offers:

This ties in with the comments regarding cheap prices. Why are the products on special offer? There may well be a legitimate reason, but it could be that the supplier is just desperate to get rid of the stock.

With some manufactured paving materials, there are often 'end-of-line' offers: these come about when a manufacturer decides to end production of a given item, and sells off what stock is left on the understanding that it is 'end-of-line' and it may not be possible to get hold of replacement or additional units at a later date. At least a couple of the larger British manufacturers have started selling-off such products via a certain Auction website. While end-of-line products are usually 'first' quality, some special offers will be seconds and you need to be sure the goods are "fit for purpose" before handing over the dosh. Again, Caveat Emptor, as them Romans used to say.

Also, think carefully about those " Buy 3 Get 1 Free " offers. You can often end up paying more for the three than you would when the so-called sale isn't on.

Work out the price per square metre or the price per tonne and use that to compare. Buying three 20kg bags of slate for 4 quid a bag to get one free may seem like a bargain, but when you work out it's costing you 12 quid for 80kg or 150 quid per tonne, and you can buy the very same aggregate for 90 quid per tonne in a bulk bag, it's not quite the bargain it originally seemed!

450x450mm flags at 4 quid apiece? That's equivalent to almost 20 quid per square metre. Is that really a good price?

100x100x50mm granite setts for only 90p each? Bargain!! But wait a minute! That's 90 quid per m² - almost twice the going rate!

For more Custom Made Granite Kerbsinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.

Buying Online

Increasingly, paving is being bought online, by-passing the more traditional route-to-market via a landscape supplier or builders’ merchant, and, because many of these online retailers have lower overheads thanks to not needing to pay for showrooms, multiple yards, and dozens of staff, the cost is usually lower. Not always lower, mind, but usually.

As you’d expect, there are excellent online sources for paving and there are…..well….let’s just say, not quite so excellent. It’s very easy to set-up an online shop selling anything at all, from aardvark food to Zoroastrian altars, and everything in between, and while this ease and simplicity of establishing a business may be a boon for honest, reputable traders, it does present incredible opportunities to spivs, chancers and con men.

A splurge of spending on internet advertising and a site can appear top-of-the-list on a web search; a smart-looking website with pretty pictures, a ‘phone number….and you’re in business. It can all look impressive and above-board but, do they actually have any stock, and, if they do have stock, is it quality materials? Or is it the dross that no reputable trader would touch?

The only way to be reasonably certain of getting quality products from these online-only retailers is to stick to the main road and avoid the dark, distracting side alleys, no matter how enticing the bargain process may seem. Check reviews on ratings sites. Call them up and speak to them to check their knowledge and customer attitude. Best of all, choose a name you know – many of the bigger names in paving and hard-landscaping have an online presence which is not always trading under the same brand.

A good example of this would be UK Stone Direct – the online outlet for Welsh Slate and The Breedon Group.

What to avoid:

Restricted stock lines:

Those outlets with just two types of flags, and one type of block paving really aren't offering a choice. Look for a supplier with a wide range of products.

Off-hand, belittling or arrogant attitude from sales staff:

Sadly, even in the 21st century, some Merchants/Providers are encumbered with Neanderthal attitudes to non-trade customers and women in particular. Sky-hooks, bubbles for spirit levels, and right-handed bricks might be a giggle for the counter staff, but they can intimidate customers, and such sales tactics should be rewarded with the sight of your backside leaving through the main door. The same for those suppliers who make it plain they don't value your custom. Your money is as good as anyone else's and every customer is entitled to courtesy and deference.

Stock-free yards:

Empty yards, or those with sparse stock levels should also be avoided. Most quality suppliers maintain a substantial quantity of stock, at quite some expense to themselves. The yards with little or no stock are usually those that are struggling financially, and you could face a wait of several days or weeks for your goods to arrive.

Blind purchases:

Unless you are thoroughly familiar with a product, you should never, ever buy sight unseen. Photos used in catalogues, on websites, in promotional leaflets and the like will always show the product in a good light. You should always see the paving "in the flesh" before committing yourself to buy. What looks like a subtle shade of buff in a catalogue could turn out to be garish orange in reality.

Obviously, most contractors will be totally conversant with certain products, and so if they phone to order, say, 150m² of Charcon Woburn paving in Maple, they know what to expect, but a DIYer buying for their own project really ought to make an effort to see the actual product on an existing driveway/patio or at a display centre before placing the order.

And in this internet age, be very wary of sales via auction sites. As mentioned previously, a couple of the bigger manufacturers have started to sell some stock via such sites, and they are generally trustworthy, but the same sites also offer seconds, surplus purchases, downright crap and even stolen goods put up for sale by less reputable traders.

Finally, a word of extreme caution regarding the purchase of reclaimed yorkstone flags from the interweb or an auction site. It's madness!

Describing a flag as yorkstone tells only a small part of the story. How thick? Where from? What sizes? What surface texture?

There are far too many rogues in the reclaimed stone trade, and the only way to be certain is to inspect the stone before buying, marking what you've bought, and checking it on delivery. I hear dozens of tales each year about the unsuspecting being royally ripped off. There are genuinely good reclamation yards, but good reclaimed yorkstone isn't cheap, so choose carefully.

They're definitely Yorkstone, but the seller strangely omitted to mention they are ball-breakers with corners missing and less than ideal for your little patio project!

It's not possible to give a comprehensive list of all the better suppliers in Britain and Ireland, but here's a selection of recommendations for suppliers who go the extra mile to provide a better range of products and a higher standard or service:

  • Landscape World Paving Centre - Widnes, Cheshire/Merseyside
  • Rock Unique - Stone paving specialist supplier in Sevenoaks
  • Cowley Stone - Stone paving in a stunning show garden
  • UK Stone Direct - Online Purchasing of British Stone from a national brand

Curb-Cut, Curb-Core, & Basin Creation Costs - Brad Lancaster

Curb-Cut, Curb-Core, & Basin Creation Costs

Costs estimates are for Tucson, Arizona as of August 2021 (with some updates, as noted below)…

See chapter 8 of Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, Volume 2, 2nd Edition for info on how to optimally place, design, and build curb cuts and curb cores with their mulched and vegetated basins.

Curb-CUT or curb-CORE PERMIT costs:

  • Permit is $45, but this can be for a whole block’s worth of curb cuts/cores, so you are incentivized to work with your neighbors. To clarify: It is $45 per permit, but you can have many curb cuts/cores on one permit.


  • 4-inch-diameter core hole through curb. Minimum cost is $250 for crew to show up, but this covers an hour of work – the drilling of at least 5 core holes if they are in the same neighborhood (the more the truck needs to drive, the more time is taken up by driving rather than drilling). If more holes are needed, the cost is the same $250 per hour, but you’ll only be charged for the time worked.

A contractor friend that cores the curb himself rents a hand-held core-drill (from Sunbelt Rental on Ft. Lowell—these drills are otherwise hard to find for rent). The rental for the whole drill set-up is less than $100 per day.

Tucson Concrete Cutting and Coring drilling 4-inch hole through curb. Drill is attached to hose to wet cut and reduce wear on drill bit. Curb core drilled downward toward street-side basin and also in direction of water flow. Note 1: notching of street curb to catch still more water. Note 2: BEFORE coring curb, I often have to chip away at asphalt that has covered the concrete street gutter. I had to do it here (before I took this photo), and used a caliche/digging bar to do so
Photo: Brad Lancaster

Curb-CUT CUTTING costs:

  • Cheapest option—for a curb up to 6 inches (15 cm) tall—is to rent a gas-powered, 14-inch (350-mm) diameter circular saw with diamond-carbide blade. This method also enables you to do a 14-inch-wide curb cut with 45º angled sides. Note that curbs taller than 6 inches (15 cm) will likely require a saw with a 20-inch (500-mm) diameter blade. Person doing the work must be very careful to make good clean, straight cuts. To make the horizontal cut, the basin inlet must be dug before the cut is made, so saw can cut along the dirt-side of the curb at the elevation of the bottom of the curb-side street gutter. Once all cuts are made and the cut-out section of curb is removed, the remaining curb and the cut areas must be ground smooth with a grinder. See here for step-by-step guide.

Note 1: Larger/taller curbs may require a larger saw with a 20-inch (500-mm) diameter blade, but this saw is much heavier, more difficult to use, and more dangerous to use than a 14-inch saw. So operator must be strong and very careful. Note 2: This DIY approach is not currently legal in Tucson, where you are required to hire a contractor to do the cutting of the curb—see below for those prices. Note 3: This DIY approach is legal in other communities (check with your local authorities).

Legal (in Tucson) options:

Custom Saw Cuts in Tucson charges $300 for one 2-foot curb cut with “wings” (as of January 2017). This price drops as you do more cuts, so plan ahead and team up with your neighbors to save money and increase stormwater harvesting on your block. If you are doing two 2-foot curb cuts, the price is $450, or $225 per cut. From there, the price goes up by $100 for each additional curb cut at the same location. (So three curb cuts at one location would be $550, or $183.33 per cut. Four curb cuts at one location would be $650, or $162.50 per cut.) Once all cuts are made and the cut-out section of curb is removed, the remaining curb and the cut areas are ground smooth with a grinder. The equipment used by Custom Saw Cuts makes longer-sloping wings angled less than 45º (the saw cannot cut as steep as 45º). Depending on the height of the curb, the wings will be 2–4″ longer than they would be if the angle were 45º.

Note that contractors who do the cut with a 14″ circular saw can charge much less because they don’t need the very expensive horizontal-curb-cutting machine. Tucson Concrete Cutting and Coring has the equipment to do this; call them for an estimate.

Interesting side note: Custom Saw Cuts—Tucson’s horizontal-curb-cut contractor—says 7-10% of their work is water-harvesting related.

Gas-powered circular saws: 14-inch diameter blade on left, 20-inch diameter blade on right. Equipment owned by Tucson Concrete Cutting and Coring.

Curb-cut/core-BASIN-DIGGING costs:

  • Free if you and neighbors do the digging by hand (just make sure you first call Blue Stake—a free service marking underground utilities—to make sure you are not digging where there are underground utilities).
  • If you are hiring a backhoe operator (I recommend Little John Excavating in Tucson) to dig your basins (each basin being 5 feet wide, 8-10 feet long, and 12–18 inches deep), the cost is about $200 to $250 per basin to dig basin and remove the soil dug out. (Note that this is assuming multiple basins are being dug; if fewer basins, the per-basin cost increases. Minimum charge for operator to show up and dig a basin (without removing soil) is around $300 to $400—check with operator.) The price drops the more basins that are dug, since the time/cost of transporting equipment to and from the work site is spread out among all the basins.
  • Costs for hauling excavated dirt away, and rock (Catalina granite) delivered, for basins in bulleted paragraph above add about $100-$150 per basin

Interesting side note: The backhoe operator I recommend—John Litzel of Little John Excavating—says 40–60% of his work is water-harvesting related.  

Curb-cut/core-BASIN ROCK costs:

If you need to rock the banks/sides of the basins (if slopes are gradual, rock may not be needed, but in small urban spaces we typically need steeper banks and thus rock to stabilize and delineate basin banks) the cost is as follows:

  • Free-ish if you salvage the rock or broken-up concrete chunks (a.k.a., urbanite, from sources such as broken-up sidewalks). You just need to pay for fuel for the vehicle to move the material.
  • $32 per yard of Catalina granite rock, 8–20-inch in diameter from rock supplier (e.g., Churchman Sand and Gravel). Two yards is typical minimum amount of rock for a basin 4 feet wide and 4–6 feet long. (Deeper basins will need more rock. Ordering a full truckload often results in free delivery.)
  • Local water-harvesting contractor Dryland Design does great rock work. A rectangularish basin 8 feet long by 5 feet wide by 1 foot deep may cost about $450 (price varies by soil type) to expertly lay Catalina granite rock to stabilize the basin’s banks.  

See here for how we organize such basin excavations, rock work, and planting in my neighborhood

Curb-cut/core-BASIN-PLANTING costs:

  • Free if you grow out your own plants. A neighbor, Sky Jacobs, does this in our neighborhood. Or you can plant seed directly in basin. I’ve had 80–90% success-rate doing just that when I plant seed with the rains in the rainy season. Note: Some seed needs to be scarified (methods include nicking the seed coat with nail clippers before planting)—check with local growers for tips.
  • $25-$30 per 5-gallon-size tree if you get from a local nursery.
  • $8 to $12 per 1-gallon-size understory plant from a local nursery See here for recommended trees and here for more info on those and other plants for southern Arizona. See here for favorite local native plant nurseries  

Curb-cut/core-BASIN-MULCHING costs:

  • Free if you pick up mulch/wood chips from a local firewood distributor, if you cut up your own on-site prunings into 6-inch or shorter lengths for mulch, or if you get a local tree-trimming company (e.g., Romero Tree Service) to give you their chipped-up prunings (cheaper for them than to take “waste” to dump).
  • If you want to buy mulch in Tucson, you can get high-quality screened mulch from Fairfax Companies (3-inch decorative mulch is the best, as smaller material decomposes more quickly, and can more easily float away). Fairfax turns local green “waste” into mulch. Delivery cost is the same for a full or partial truckload, so collaborate with neighbors and get a full truckload delivered.

For more

Volume 2

Especially Volume 2, and its chapter 8

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