Kerbed Headstones Manufacturer - Ariver Stone

29 Apr.,2024


Kerbed Headstones Manufacturer - Ariver Stone

Kerbed Headstone: Why Being Unique is Better

Kerbed headstones are unique and quite loved. However, until you understand them well, you might not how good they are good for your beloved grave. That is why this guide exists. It goes through the various aspects of kerbed headstones answering as many questions as possible ensuring you get to learn more about the headstone. Let us get into it already.

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What is a Kerbed Headstone?

Figure 1 kerb sets for graves

A kerbed headstone is designed to cover the full length and width of the grave. With the design, you will also get it having a central area that can be open. This means you can fill this area with chippings, plants, or even cover slabs, it is up to you to decide. A company such as ARIVER Stone has a wide selection of designs for you to consider when picking a kerbed headstone. You can also get expert advise so that you only choose the right kerbed headstone.


Does a Kerbed Headstone Need Etching or Engraving?

When choosing a kerbed headstone, you will also have the choice of picking on how you want the engravings or pictures transferred to your headstone. In such a case, you would have the option of using traditional engraving or go for the new methods which include using laser etching. Each method has its pros and cons. So, understanding them can help you pick the right one for the application.

Whenever you select traditional engraving, you want something simple but elegant done on the headstone. This is where the engraver would use sharp tools to chip away some material from the headstone. It can be making letters, symbols, numbers, and sometimes drawings. If the engraver is talented, you can expect to get some good job done.

When you look at the modern headstones, they are not engraved using hammers and chisels. They are mostly engraved with a technique called sandblasting. This method involves shooting small pieces of sand at a headstone at a very high speed. This makes it possible to remove as much material as necessary to end up with a clean engraving.

The downside of traditional engraving is that you will find that the letters or drawings wear away quickly. Considering they would also be exposed to elements such as wind, dirt, high temperatures, and rain, the grooves soften, thus the material starts chipping even further.

To counter the drawbacks of engraving, you should opt for laser etching. This is the newest method that would make it easier to have quality engraving than before. This method uses CNC machine with a laser to etch the headstone surface with the design that you want. Because of using computers to do the etching, you can achieve even the most intricate designs. So, you can always have a detailed kerbed headstone better than when using a traditional engraving technique.

Figure 2 A Kerbed Headstone with a Slab Cover

Can Engraving Mistakes on a Kerbed Headstone be Corrected?

Yes. You can correct the mistakes engraved into a kerbed headstone or any other headstone for that matter. It is understandable that sometimes you end up with a headstone containing engraving mistakes. A good example is when you included the wrong date of birth or any other information. You should be able to correct such mistakes and make the headstone look good again.

When you notice the mistakes, the first step is to consider finding the right person to do the correction. So, what would you consider?

  • Experience

The biggest consideration would be the experience. Does the person you are hiring has experience in correcting engravings? Making engravings can be straight forward, however, correcting needs more skill. That is why you need someone who understands what they are doing. Inquire more about past projects they have handled to have more confidence in his skills.

  • Tools and equipment

What kind of tools and equipment does the person have. These will determine the final look of the kerbed headstone after correction. No one wants to spend money on a correction process only to end up with a messy headstone. That is why you always have to inquire about the overall tools and equipment such a person has in his arsenal.

  • Techniques

The techniques a person uses can also give you confidence that you are hiring a professional. No one wants to pay exorbitant fees to a restorer only to end up with a kerbed headstone that does not look good. So, explaining of the techniques should give you more confidence in the whole process and why you should hire such a person.

  • Onsite or removal correction

Will the headstone have to be removed from the grave or the correction can be done onsite. This is vital to know as sometimes it might be necessary to remove the headstone. If it has to be removed, you may end up spending a lot more money installing it again once the correction is done.


What Makes a Great Kerbed Headstone?

Figure 3 Kerbed Headstone with angel Statues

So you have decided that you want to get yourself a kerbed headstone, what are some of the things that would make it great? Below are ideas on picking a great kerbed headstone generally.

  • Choice of material

Whenever you opt for a kerbed headstone, you always want a quality headstone. This is because of the amount of exposure the headstone would have generally. A good example is that a headstone would be exposed to different elements such as rain, wind, dirt, grime, and so much more. Can the material stand up to such exposure or will it start breaking after some time? Those are some of the questions you should be asking your headstone manufacturer.

Also, what kind of options do you get in terms of materials and finishes. Having multiple options is generally good for you to pick the best headstone.

  • Competitive pricing

Anyone who is looking for a kerbed headstone would also hope to get a good deal on the prices. That is why you need to inquire about the overall cost of getting a headstone. A good example is ARIVER Stone, which is known for offering competitive pricing. This ensures that you can always get good deals on headstones.

  • Inscription options

You would have to do some inscriptions on the kerbed headstone. How will you choose the right design? Will the words hold over time or you will have to redo them after some time? Also, ask about the pricing of the inscriptions. This can significantly increase the price of a headstone.

  • The size

The size that you pick should be within what the cemetery allows. It is worth noting that the cemeteries do not always allow huge headstones. So, inquire about this rule and have a headstone company make the right headstone based on the rules of your preferred cemetery.

  • Professional help

It would be nice if you can get professional help on finding the best kerbed headstone. Considering you will not be shopping for such headstones more often, it would be best if the manufacturer is professional to guide you correctly. This means that you can learn more about the headstones before buying. With enough information, you can now get the best kerbed headstone for your beloved. you also other kinds tombstone like Upright Headstones, Slant Headstones, Teardrop headstone, Heart headstones, Angel Headstone, flat headstones, bevel headstones or any custom headstones.


What are the Materials and Finishes Options for a Kerbed Headstone?

Figure 4 Gravestone kerb sets

The best part about buying a kerbed headstone is that you always have control over the materials and finishes that you get. This ensures that you can always buy a headstone that looks great, durable, and within your budget. It is common that you would want to know what kind of options you have when looking for such materials and finishes. Let us see below.

  • Materials

Materials for a headstone include granite, marble, limestone, and others.

Granite is definitely a top choice for anyone who wants the best kerbed headstone. This is because the material is quite beautiful and strong at the same time. You will have the option of picking the best color that you want for your headstone. Options mostly includes black, grey, pearl, red, blue, and more.

Granite is also a top choice for those who might want a durable headstone. You would not have to worry about it breaking soon. Even the tough British weather could use such a type of headstone.

When you fist cut it, it will have a rock pitch finish, however, you can always do more to ensure it looks great. That is why you can polish the surface or opt for a honed or matte finish. Polishing generally gives the granite headstone a nice look that you have always wanted.

Marble is another top choice for a kerbed headstone material. You can opt for white marble, estremoze crème, or rosa aurora. The veined markings generally make it possible to like such a headstone even more. The smooth finish should also leave you with a great looking headstone. Because of its durability, not all churchyards allow for the use of a marble kerbed headstone. Just make sure you confirm with the vicar to learn more about which materials are allowed.

Still on the materials, you can still have the option of choosing limestone. It is seen as the cheapest material and would still be acceptable in most churches. The best part is that once the stone is cut, it would be smooth even before you do any polishing. So, it can be a great option in case you are a budget buyer.

  • Finishes

The finishes play an important role in how the kerbed headstone would look like in the end. In most cases, people want to get themselves a great finish that makes the headstone look great on overall. So, what are the options?

Polished finishes are those that you would see from a distance shinning in case it is a sunny day. They just have a clean and smooth look. They can be used mostly in different cemeteries; however, churchyards can have restrictions on the use of such finishes.

You can always opt for a part-polished finish. This is where only the area that would have inscriptions is polished. The rest will not be polished making the headstone easily allowed in the cemetery. You can always find a way to get your kerbed headstone looking good. This is still a finish to consider.

As for honed finish, you can compare it to matte finish. The finish will be smooth, but it not reflective as you would get with a polished finish. As such, this type of finish is largely accepted in different cemeteries.

When you want something with the rough edges, you can always pick the pitched finish. This type of finish is something many people consider a top choice for them to make their kerbed headstone look different.

For more information, please visit Custom Made Granite Kerbs.

Figure 5 Black granite kerb sets

Can You Customize a Kerbed Headstone?

Kerbed headstones can always receive more customizations too. This is because different people would have different needs. It would make sense if the manufacturer came up with the right headstone based on the client needs.

A good example is when you opt for a different size than the standard size the manufacturer offers. It would make sense if the size is customized further to your needs or the cemetery regulations.

It is not just the size that you can customize, you can also change the material, color, and finish. It can be a personal preference or when you have to follow the cemetery laws on colors, materials, and finishes.

Luckily, most manufacturers who make kerbed headstones allow for bespoke designs. This means you can always have the right kerbed headstone that you want in the end.


Can I have an Image Added to a Kerbed Headstone?

Yes. It is possible to include an image in the kerbed headstone. With the improvement in technology, it has made it possible for most people to include the images in the headstones as part of their memorial. Just make sure the picture you are sending for etching must be high quality to get the best results in the end.

Figure 6 Headstone kerb sets

How Can You Care for a Kerbed Headstone?

It is common for people to care for their burial plots in case you have to give a nice resting place for your beloved. The care should not stop when someone uses the burial plot. It is best if you can get yourself some maintenance tips even for the kerbed headstone.

Caring for your kerbed headstone can include things such as removing the flowers that wither over time. If you want the headstone looking great, you would definitely take your time to ensure the flowers are replaced more often and the vases are cleaned too.

Kerbeds are good for enclosing the whole area containing the grave. Because of such a design, you can maintain the grave better compared to only having a headstone with no other boundaries. Once you have set up the kerbed headstone, next you can include decorative gravel in the middle section of the headstone. The gravel can be a nice place for you to plant flowers or even small shrubs that add beauty to the headstone. A company such as ARIVER Stone can have several tips on how to beautify the herbed headstone on overall.

Planting flowers or shrubs is not the only way for you to maintain a kerbed headstone. You should also think of cleaning the headstone more often. This might include high professionals with experience in cleaning specific materials such as granite, marble, and limestone. The good thing is that these materials are not hard to clean, so cleaning once or twice a year should be great.

In case you end up with a headstone that needs restoration, you should do that too. This is to ensure that your headstone looks the part even after years of neglect. This one would always need the help of an experienced restoration company to make the kerbed headstone look great.


How Can I order a Kerbed Headstone?

Figure 7 Kerb gravestones


Whenever you are ready to order your kerbed headstone, ARIVER Stone is here to you help you out. All you have to do is get in touch with the support team and let us start processing your order. To get in touch, you can call or send us an email. In case you send an email, you should have your answer to your queries within 24 hours. Most of the time it will be within a few hours of sending the email. This ensures that you can make a decision on the best kerbed headstone you want.

In case you want more information on the kerbed headstone or other types of headstones, our team will provide you with more information on them through a catalog. This is to ensure that you only buy a headstone once you have all the information.

Our team can help a lot more other than just selling you the headstone. The team can help with the design, engraving and etching options, photo plaques, material choice, and any other grave decoration you might want to get for yourself.

Once you have confirmed your order, you will be guided further on making the payment so that the order can be manufactured and delivered.


How Much Will I Pay for a kerbed Headstone?

The kerbed headstones are not known for being cheap. This is because these headstones use a lot of materials. It is why they mostly start at around $2000 and can go all the way over $5000. This is when you want more shapes and statues also included as part of the headstone. To get an accurate pricing of the headstone, contact the manufacturer.


Will it take Long to Deliver a Kerbed Headstone?

The kerbed headstones require a lot of work, thus it is expected they can take longer to deliver. Most companies would offer a waiting time of around 6 weeks. This is mostly enough time to go through the design and come up with the right headstone the client wants for his or her departed.


Which Letter Colors Last the Longest?

When you opt to have letters engraved into a kerbed headstone, you would want them to last longer too. No one needs to start redoing the letters after a few months of having the headstone. Well, the good news is that it is not about the color, but rather the paint used. The paint is made to be resistant to the elements meaning it would generally last longer.

Some of the color options a person can get include white, silver, black, or gold leaf. Whichever you pick, make sure the manufacturer uses a paint type that can withstand the outdoor conditions over the years.

Figure 8 Kerbed headstones good price for sale

What Additional Costs Should I Know About Kerbed Headstones?

Kerbed headstones are a top choice because of their looks. Other than paying for the price of the headstone, you would also have to consider paying some additional costs.

The central area of the kerbed headstone has to be filled with something. It is for this reason you have to consider things such as the chippings, slab covers, or soil for this section. Keep in mind that these are not part of the headstone order. They always have to be bought separately.

The letters inscribed in the kerbed headstone can also be expensive. As such, you do not want to end up spending too much money on the headstone unnecessarily. Some companies would give you an offer where the first 20 letter might be free, but you have to pay for the additional letters. You can only know about it when you talk to the support team.

Another additional cost can be installing the kerbed headstone. This type of headstone is not always lightweight because of the amount of material that goes into making it. As such, you might end up spending a lot more to have it installed. It is the reason many people would consider using a kerbed headstone installation company who would have the right tools to set up the headstone correctly.

One thing is for sure, there will always be many headstone additional costs. As such, you need to keep an open mind about the overall budgeting for a headstone.


Can You Ship Worldwide?

Shipping should never be something you worry about. This is because ARIVER Stone can deliver to different parts of the world. This is to ensure that you can always get the best headstone delivered to you and within reasonable time. When placing your order, our team will work with you to help you know when it will be the expected time to receive your kerbed headstone.



The best kerbed headstone can be one great gift for the departed. You get to give him or her something different and customizable. This is where you can even have soil filled in the central part of the headstone and plant flowers. So, rather than changing the flowers in vases all the time, you can now have them growing on the grave making it look beautiful. If this sounds interesting enough for you, ARIVER Stone is here to make it a reality. Call us today to learn more.


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